Still No Wedding, We Are Getting Bored

StefanL, 12.06.06, 13:40

Angie and Brad still have no wedding plans. Courageous or ultramodern? First lady Penexupifo with Brad'n'Angie

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StefanL, 08.06.06, 18:19

Endlich haben unsere beiden Helden das erste Kinderfoto angeblich exlusiv and Getty Images verkauft. Bei gibt's natürlich eine Galerie und die anderen armen Schweine wie z.B. oe3 können nur verlinken. Honni soit, qui mal y pense. Mich hat das alles natürlich an meine eigene Kindheit in der tiefsten grenznahen Provinz erinnert und zwar präzise an das Wochenende, als endlich Bonanza...

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Shilo Pics Revisited

StefanL, 08.06.06, 17:50

Yahoo Search | Yahoo Images Google Search | Google Images The images are more interesting than the webpages. Lots of dogs and an occasional horsey. Google Search's #3 shows that hanswu's association was not that far removed from mainstream as we, for example, first thought, the Tora still being a strong current, should have born this in mind.

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Fast Facts

StefanL, 02.06.06, 14:49

You may have read this before but few have done it more completely than CBS News. (Fat Box - Fast Fact) The government of Namibia says to celebrate the birth of their daughter there, Jolie and Pitt have donated $300,000 to help other babies in the impoverished African country. The story, as most such stories and even more so on the sites...

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Boring stuff of the past

StefanL, 23.03.06, 11:35

GMX hat zwar in seinem Medienteil (harhar) keine Angaben dazu, aber die Quelle dieser Story wäre sicher leicht herauszufinden: Einstige Luxusvilla von Pitt und Aniston verkauft Das Grundstück mit 930 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche wechselte nach US-Medienberichten für 22,5 Millionen Dollar (18,6 Millionen Euro) den Eigentümer. Im Grunde hat der namentlich nicht bekannte Käufer, der aus dem Ausland stammen und nicht prominent sein...

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A Brad and Angie Row?

StefanL, 10.03.06, 00:49

On January 26th when this photograph appeared, this was the gesture the world had been waiting for, the first official holding of hands in a public airport by the couple (we cover regularly). What could be more romantic than a walk through Heathrow airport with a security escort. Aols TMZ dug that from a B&A photograph. But now, ignorance and rowing? And now...

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Children of the Famous Tend to be Good Looking

StefanL, 20.02.06, 19:35 ist eine site, die mit innovativen mitteln erforscht, wie gut die Kinder berühmter Menschen dann aussehen werden.         And now to something not so completely different: hat auch eine Galerie mit dem Titel "Who is pregnant?" Nicht "7 of 9" sondern "3 of 18" ist da Brooke Shields (40). We already know "she is pregnant with her second daughter." The news are said...

Read Article, plink - on Jolieová a Pitt

StefanL, 14.02.06, 06:18

Photographer Steven Klein seems to have done an "exclusive" "Brad & Angelina Garden Life" 60p portfolio for the most exclusive of exclusives of large news agencies in the world. koktail.pravda in our neighbor-CCTLD* ".sk" is not shy about presenting this content to their users. They have more on the topic, mostly by said american content syndicator. But since this...

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last updated: 23.03.25, 07:18
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D'après ce que je vois
vous avez tout à fait raison, Mr. Tobi.
by MaryW (01.03.25, 08:34)
La crisi consiste appunto nel fatto che il vecchio muore e il nuovo non può nascere: in questo interregno si verificano i fenomeni morbosi piú....
by tobi (28.02.25, 16:22)
Haschimiten-Familie Vater:Husain ibn 'AliEmir von Mekka von 1908 - 1916König des Hedschas von 1916 - 1924 Sohn Faisal:Verhandlungsführer der "Araber" in Paris König des Irak von 1921....
by StefanL (19.01.25, 06:26)
Ich habe eh
einen Esseh über den Kulturpessimismus, der ja grundlegend mehr reaktionär als konservativ ist, in Arbeit. Wird aber noch dauern.
by StefanL (10.01.25, 23:50)
Ich geb ja gerne zu, dass der Neid aus mir spricht. ;-)
by StefanL (10.01.25, 23:46)
Aha soso ein Professor h.k. (honore kurza).
by tobi (10.01.25, 23:30)
I totally agree
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by StefanL (10.01.25, 20:15)
Woher kommt diese Lust am Untergang?
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by tobi (10.01.25, 19:18)
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by StefanL (06.01.25, 11:39)
Slice, slice, very nice.
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by tobi (16.12.24, 19:15)
Du hast recht,
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by tobi (03.10.24, 19:21)
Das sind
wirklich die allerletzten, diese Streberschweine. Aber sonst auch.
by StefanL (18.09.24, 08:42)
Es gibt sogar
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by gHack (17.09.24, 18:56)
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by StefanL (02.01.22, 11:18)
I think I maybe know what you meant. It is the present we know best and the future we invent. And history is mostly used....
by StefanL (02.01.22, 09:51)
Hey, it's just a phrase wishing to convey that you're always smarter after the event than before it.
by StefanL (28.12.21, 07:35)
Oracle is now mentioned in the English Wikipedia article on teletext and even has its own article here. Electra has one too.
by MaryW (22.12.21, 07:11)
We have grossly erred
At least in point 5. We thought, people would have come to the conclusion that permanently listening to directive voices as an adult is so....
by MaryW (21.12.21, 07:42)
Did not want to spell the names out
Ingrid Thurnher should have been easy, as she is pictured in the article. Harald F. is an insider joke, the only media journalist in Austria,....
by StefanL (19.12.21, 08:45)
with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
by tobi (24.11.21, 20:49)

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