Glossary of Unusual Acronyms and Terms in TT

StefanL, 24.12.09, 00:00

ANFSCD Is the acronym for "And Now For Something Completely Different" which in turn is a pattern and phrase created by the MPFC for their TV-Show the title of which provided the popular name of that group of people. AFTVSDSQMdGW Assoziation der Fast Total Verblödeten Sogenannten Demokratischen Qualitätsmedien der "westlichen" Welt, Association of near completely thick as a brick so called quality...

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StefanL, 31.03.08, 22:27

is an acronym from Robert Scoble's Corporate Blog Manifesto It is derived from "Bend over and grease up" meaning in the words of Mr. Scoble "you should treat Gnome Girl as good as you would treat Dave Winer" or, more prosaically, it's a good marketing idea to be extremely friendly to everybody all the time.

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5WS: Five Word Speeches

StefanL, 16.06.06, 16:12

FPP (Former Popstar Prince) got a webby award for his lifetime achievements. Played acoustic guitar too. Award winners had to hold 5 word speeches. Amongst the slightly crampies from Bob Kahn, the Gorillaz, Tom Friedman and others his "Everything you think is true" seems to be slightly overphilosophical. We did not look through all of them but still like to mention...

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A Granfalloon

StefanL, 02.05.05, 15:54

is a group of people who believe they work together, claiming to have a shared identity or purpose, but is actually meaningless in terms of fulfilling God's design. As examples, Vonnegut cites: "the Communist Party, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the General Electric Company, the International Order of Odd Fellows, the United States of America or any other nation."

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StefanL, 02.05.05, 15:52

Yet another important Bokononist concept - a group of people that really work together as opposed to granfalloon, a group of people that believe they work together. Oh a sleeping drunkard up in Central Park And a lion hunter in the jungle dark And a Chinese dentist and the British queen All fit together in the same machine Nice, nice, very nice Nice, nice, very nice So...

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Rüks rügge di rük

StefanL, 13.04.05, 15:17

Heute ist mir unter ein Wörterbuch "Jiddisch - Norwegisch" untergekommen. Was es alles gibt! Das Universum ist wunderbar, irgendwie.

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Es geht noch weiter

StefanL, 31.01.05, 19:12

Mit Hilfe des mir von goldchen geliehenen Buches "ייִדישע געשיכטע פֿאַר שול און הײם " (jidishe geshikhte far shul un heym) lerne ich das Lesen dieser quadratischen Buchstaben jetzt wirklich irgendwie. Jeden Tag 1-2 Seiten. Interessantes Gefühl, wie nicht mehr seit langer Zeit. Quasi Alef-Bejz Schütze. Bei der Gelegenheit muss ich noch einmal eine alte Geschichte über Chaika Grossman verlinken, gerade auch...

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Das war nicht so leicht

StefanL, 24.01.05, 19:07

Ich habe nämlich für den Laut oy eine Buchstabenkombination (waw jod) verwendet, die in UTF-8 mit einem Zeichen (#1521) repräsentiert ist. Der Font hat genau da einen Fehler und stellt anstelle von waw-jod schluss-nun und jod dar, was dem Goldchen, das ja flüssig liest, sofort aufgefallen ist: quasi anif statt oyf. UTF-8 ist irgendwie in vieler Hinsicht ein Hund. hier geht das aber:...

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last updated: 03.03.25, 19:12
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with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
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