StefanL, 12.02.06, 13:09
Antoine Deneriaz ist der Speedking (Olympiasieger Abfahrt). Super. Nur schade, dass er Aamodt vom Podest gestossen hat. "Unser" Michi hat die Silberne, Bruno aus der Schweiz die Bronzene. So bin ich's aus der Jugend gewohnt. Walchhofer ist super gefahren und zufrieden. Armin Assinger kann im TV ganz echt gratulieren. Alles ist gut.
Das AAF* ist besiegt, was mich, zuweilen, wenn es schon zu viel war, ja auch freuen kann. Verteidigungsminister Schröcksnadel ist allerdings sehr souverän geblieben und gab pressekonferenzmäßig zum besten, dass er und Obersttrainer Pum die Lage richtig, der Frontmajor Hermann M. sie aber falsch eingeschätzt hat.
Nehmerqualitäten hat er, der Herr Peter S. Muss auch mal gesagt werden. Fast ohne Weinen, super!
Einen größeren Vorsprung als Deneriaz hatte zuletzt ('64, Innsbruck) der Hotelier, Koch und damalige Speedking Egon Zimmermann, ein österreichisches Idol meiner Kindheit.
Nebeneffekt hoffentlich: 2006/7 werden die Frenchies in der Skichallenge noch mehr mitmischen als dieses Jahr. Spannend.
* Alpines Austro-Faschiertes
Austria's Kronenzeitung presented some interesting ideas on sunday. Not only did they express themselves on alpine skiing speedkings but they also put forth explicit strong opinion on the frontpage of their supplement "Krone Bunt". On a photograph of her same self, they said that Monika Belluci was the most beautiful woman in the world. As we have noted before we do not agree.
If you prefer blondes, we still suggest Sharon Stone is one of the most beautiful blondes in the world. That beauty is in her eyes. They just shine with that world famous IQ. But then again, in blondes we have limited taste and expertise.
In past years, for a while and from far we adored Linda Evangelista and kind of thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. To this day we still own a 60 page "Linda special edition" of Harper's Bazaar.
Judging by our tastes in movies today, for umptheenth time we feel forced to suggest that Gong Li is the most beautiful woman in the world. Judge for yourself.
In reality of course the world is full of very beautiful women. We know all of the above here from the silver screen and and high gloss print only but we do know some stunningly beautiful others personally, if we may say so.
14.02.06, 10:09
if you like kindchenschema.
... plink
'cause really neither Sharon Stone nor Gong Li cater well to the kindchenschema.
If you had remembered the image in the recent Wostok Women Times Two story you should have known that.
I've mentioned it, for me the beauty is in their eyes. And ample t**s don't harm me either. Voice is totally important. Smell can't be noticed on the screen but in reality is the most important beauty filter. "Kindchenschema" is what will suppress the fearful for some years to come still and make kitten-content even more successful as it is today. Still, unfair, to mention it that way to me.
... plink
Now I'm the one using the bunch of exclamation marks. Because I am sorry for you feeling treated unfairly -- once more. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Nevertheless, I vouch for my own reception of a Kindchenschema image (only the Gong Li one, btw. Not the others. Of course!)
If you like to look somebody in the eyes (a glimpse of cleavage doesn't harm you either) and especially, if you want to smell the person: just forget about images, anyway.
I hope you will have the opportunity one day to meet these desirable women (if you did not have already). My truly wishes you got.
Nothing beats those human cells.
... plink
human cells, and connectors, yeah.
... plink
last updated: 18.11.24, 09:09
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Du hast recht,
Universal-Genies brauchen wir echt keine mehr. Ich wollte eh nur sagen:
Things are going to slide, slide in all directions.
Won't be nothing, won't be nothing you....
by MaryW (31.10.24, 23:13)
Hm. Ich glaub, da gibt es schon noch einige Kandidat*innen. Mir fällt spontan Lisz Hirn ein. Ich fürchte nur, die schaffen es nicht mehr, so....
by tobi (03.10.24, 19:21)
Die sind
wirklich die allerletzten.
by StefanL (18.09.24, 08:42)
Es gibt sogar
Verbrecher, die das ganze WE zusätzlich durcharbeiten, um Pegelkarten zu bauen. Das sind dann die allerletzten.
by gHack (17.09.24, 18:56)
Inzwischen hat Herr Fidler den Fehler erkannt und korrigiert sowie sich inzwischen bei den LeserInnen entschuldigt.
Nur damit das nicht untergeht. Wir haben hier in der....
by StefanL (21.02.22, 09:17)
There has been evidence
that the important and successful ideas in MSFT - like licensing the Unix source code in the 70ies and learning from it and licensing QDOS....
by StefanL (02.01.22, 11:18)
I think I maybe know what you meant. It is the present we know best and the future we invent. And history is mostly used....
by StefanL (02.01.22, 09:51)
Hey, it's just a phrase wishing to convey that you're always smarter after the event than before it.
by StefanL (28.12.21, 07:35)
Oracle is now mentioned in the English Wikipedia article on teletext and even has its own article here. Electra has one too.
by MaryW (22.12.21, 07:11)
We have grossly erred
At least in point 5. We thought, people would have come to the conclusion that permanently listening to directive voices as an adult is so....
by MaryW (21.12.21, 07:42)
Did not want to spell the names out
Ingrid Thurnher should have been easy, as she is pictured in the article. Harald F. is an insider joke, the only media journalist in Austria,....
by StefanL (19.12.21, 08:45)
with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is.
*it’s not my steckenpferd
by tobi (24.11.21, 20:49)
Should be
pretty easy to guess from the context and image who HaFi and InTu are. Besides, thx for the hint to the open bold-tag.
by MaryW (22.10.21, 01:16)
Low hanging fruit
1 comment, lower geht es mathematisch schon aber psychosomatisch nicht.
by MaryW (15.10.21, 19:51)
da ist wohl ein <b> offen geblieben…
und wer oder was sind HF und IT?
by tobi (25.09.21, 10:50)
manche nennen das
low hanging fruits, no?¿
by motzes (25.08.21, 20:33)
Freiwillige Feuerwehr
Wie ist das mit den freiwilligen und den professionellen Feuerwehren? Wenn 4 Häuser brennen und nur 2 Löschzüge da sind, dann gibt es doch eine....
by MaryW (22.07.21, 07:06)
That is a good argument and not to be underestimated. I was convinced a malevolent or rigid social environment (the others) posed the largest obstacle....
by MaryW (18.07.21, 08:54)
Und noch etwas
Die Schutzkleidung ist ein großes Problem. Sie verhindert allzu oft, dass mann mit anderen Säugetieren gut umgehen kann.
by StefanL (26.05.19, 07:09)
U get 1 big smile from me 4 that comment! And yes, i do not like embedded except it is good like this. It's like....
by StefanL (19.05.19, 16:30)