Lambada 2.0

Lacking a better job I am now a promoter for 2 styles of music: UKRAINIAN LAMBADA and ALPINE CLASSIC HIPHOP (aka electro rap).

I just love Werka.

More to come ... with Alpen-Rap Das Video ist eher Scheisse, aber Thomas Spitzer war mal ein honest to god poetry genius, war alles early eighties, gleichzeitig mit Hansi Hölzls Kommisar.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

The Condoleezza Story

By Emmanuel Sivan

What a title. What a name. You will not find it here anymore. It is still to be had there now.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Rocket Motors vs Color TV - Quotations Revisited

What I wrote 2 posts down is the wrong way round. How I turned it over in my head and thus remembered it in that turned left to right way has slipped. In the presidential election TV debate it was not Mr. Nixon speaking to Mr. Kennedy but Senator Kennedy quoting Vice-President Nixon while arguing with him.

Where and when did those sayings occur? The quoting happened during the 4th Kennedy-Nixon presidential debate between then Vice-President N. and still Senator and later President K. The original assertion by Mr. Nixon happened at an American exposition in Moscow in 1959 in an improvised debate between Mr. Nixon and the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Mr. Nikita Khrushchev.

The correct quotation from the presidential debate is: "Mr. Kennedy: ......The S - I believe the Soviet Union is first in outer space. We have - may have - made more shots but the size of their rocket thrust and all the rest - you yourself said to Khrushchev, "You may be ahead of us in rocket thrust but we're ahead of you in color television" in your famous discussion in the kitchen. I think that color television is not as important as rocket thrust.

I'm glad I double checked that one. It might be less funny this way round but surely is more interesting: The to become first TV oriented president of the USA denying the supreme importance of Color TV while a man the cameras really did never like the least bit

Eating with chopsticks

at least simulates to understand or really does understand that C-TV was and is more important than R-T if only because in the minds of most everybody rocket thrust would not mean a thing without being broadcast to them.

The correct quotation of course made me laugh like hell once more just because of the comparison of the number of shots versus their strength.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

How flawed Managment works

But the Bush administration's Korea policy has long reflected something much more than that: an essential lack of strategy and a decision-making process that was alternately fragmented, bitterly ideological, and impelled by top-down, instinct-driven mandats.

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Ingrid Thurnher schaut auf die Uhr, revisited

Everybody still waiting, I.T. schaut diesmal gar nicht auf die Uhr.

Jetzt ist sie draussen, die Hochrechnung. Ich hätte das nicht so gedacht. Bei den kleinen war ich richtig, bei der ÖVP hatte ich nur 3 - 4 Prozentpukte Verlust gesehen. Kann ja noch so gehen, wie seinerzeit bei der Wahl, als Schröder es das letzte Mal machte.

Hier jedenfalls scheinen die meisten das Gefühl zu haben, dass die Sache ziemlich gelaufen ist. Rot-Schwarz mit BK Gusi?

Hier übrigens der Grund für diesen Titel.

Jetzt werde mal alle befragt. Schauen wir mal, ob sich die Gesichter noch drehen. Raunen im Studio, von der ersten Sendung steht nur noch die Verabschiedung aus und G.G. fragt, ob er noch einen Hinweis auf Teletext und machen soll.

Die Ergebnisse verdichten sich. Fischer wird AG einen Auftrag geben. Hier sind die meisten schon halb gelangweilt. WM und AW sind schon vor einiger Zeit abgezogen.

Ich lass' es jetzt dann wieder, ist eh gelaufen. Wahlkarten und Koalitionverhandlungen werden interessanter werden und Schüssel wird wohl Regierungsmit ...

plink, 5 comments,    praise or blame!

last updated: 03.10.24, 19:21

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