Peinliche Armbanduhren

So embarassing

So embarassing too

Beware, buying any of these watches will prove to the trained eye that you earned or borrowed money that by a deficit in understanding and intelligence you did not really deserve and that the system for that reason successfully reclaimed part of that money through an assignment of German, Suiss or French luxury rip off managers and agents.

Besides, and that is the uglier part, visibly wearing these watches will put you into one of the really more embarrassing social segments on our cosy little blue planet. Do not tell us later on, we did not warn you.

plink, 2 comments,    praise or blame!

Die Herrenmode

Hier, wie versprochen, das erste Zitat aus den bereits vorgestllten 2 Büchlein mit Texten von Adolf Loos. Man beachte, dass die Texte zum größten Teil schon vor dem ersten Weltkrieg (1914 - 1918) geschrieben worden sind.

Bogart on a stair, Grant on a table, wearing suits and ties

Gut gekleidet sein, wer möchte das nicht? Unser Jahrhundert hat mit den Kleiderordnungen aufgeräumt und jedem steht das Recht zu, sich wie der König anzuziehen. Als Gradmesser für die Kultur eines Staates kann der Umstand gelten, wie viele seiner Einwohner von dieser freiheitlichen Errungenschaft Gebrauch machen. In England und Amerika alle, in den Balkanländern nur die oberen Zehntausend. Und in Österreich? Ich wage diese Frage nicht zu beantworten.

Seit damals hat sich doch einiges getan. Allem voran ist sichtbar geworden, wie sehr anders sich durchschnittliche Amerikaner heute anziehen als vor hundert Jahren.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Rent A Brittany Gypsy Costume

To rent this costume at "the internet home" of BBC Inc. costs $79, to buy it will lighten your purse by $259. Now go and guess how we landed on that website, of all places. Angeblich ein Brittany Gypsy Costume

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Chic Wars: Old School vs. New School

Linda and Christina in nice dresses

Well me, in women's clothing I like both schools.*

Williams, Ford in westcoast style upperclass wear.

Now in mens' wear, I am sorry. Just for the looks of it I prefer an unwearable style: 1930ies upper middle class men's suits, shirts, ties, hats 'n' everything. Makes me kinda helpless in my own usage of fashion.

Bogart on a stair, Grant on a table, wearing suits and ties

Brooks, West in Fancy Dresses

Well, as anyone who knows me just a tiny bit should know, I am quite reactionary in some respects. So of course, as you can see here, I like the 20ies/30ies/40ies ladies' movie dressing style too. I even got books on that topic. More than one and with mainly pictures in them. I also call my own 1 or 2 with the theory behind explicitely laid out. Aaahrg, the prices we always got to pay to our fucking balls of mud in the crane.


*Warning: All too easy judgement because both of these ladies are amongst my absolute favorites in persons I like to look at through all kinds of image carrying media.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!


This and many other such "confetti" can be looked at @ These pieces cost 250$ printed on silk screen and are for free as you can see them here.

My eyes and ears were so closed that I did not even notice that my favourite author, Kurt Vonnegut jr., had, at the age of 82, published yet another book. "A Man Without a Country". Luckily the betablogger, knowing that I were a diehard fan, pointed me to it by mail and I placed my order at once.

I will tell you if that book can compete with Jailbird and Bluebird and Cat's Cradle. Stay tuned.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

last updated: 05.04.22, 07:16

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