
Bei diesem ganzen Herumgraben in der History geht es 0 um heroes. Abgesehen davon, daß es mir immer wieder Spass macht, dient es auch mehreren Dingen: although it might be dangerous to do hindsight abstraction: you might always be right, but how do you crosscheck on the memes you like. approximation of historical truth goes a good way here.

Do we need yet another UI. At the moment I'd rather say no. We have many and they ain't that bad. List and trees have been there for a long time and help only in some things. story telling is the most used tool of all humanity and it just enters a new phase. mass democracy might have its flaws, but pageranking is not that bad. you can always do something else, can't you an follow more paths than one. social ecology hopefully will grow. balance your favorite websites and google and you got very far. practically no time to surf today. Thought about an IBM mainframe. Running costs are too high, you need a very rich organization/group of people for that. It's probably gonna be real Linux servers again and no virtuality.

PS: Here is one nice history of MS-DOS from Google's <a href=www.google.com>cache with the Xenix influence treated quite properly in it.


Running costs

Thought about an IBM mainframe. Running costs are too high, you need a very rich organization/group of people for that. It's probably gonna be real Linux servers again and no virtuality.

Don't underestimate the cost of running a few thousand Linux servers. According to this article the cost of running a mainframe is 10% of that running individual servers. "Indeed, the cost savings attributed to the mainframe deployment come from many different areas. Doug Neilson, a systems consultant for IBM enterprise systems, explains that savings can come from unlikely sources: "A lot of the savings are going to be on infrastructure, space, power and cooling - it's ironic that what used to be labelled as the mainframe dinosaur now uses dramatically less power in cooling than a typical server farm. If you think about a typical Intel server consuming, lets say a Kilowatt, well the biggest z900 mainframe consumes around 15KW and is capable of functionally replacing a couple of thousand NT servers, so the cost savings in power can be dramatic. Just on electricity power savings the mainframe cost can be justified.""

Of course, you do need a big corporation to run a mainframe, while you can distribute PC style servers closer to their owners. Some time ago I said I was against running a server in the place you live. But I didn't consider then that PC/Linux servers are also getting less obtrusive and easier to manage. Given the necessary connection uptime and speed, I'm all for having a server in the household it belongs to, maybe something like a Cobalt Qube, without keyboard and monitor, managed via wireless LAN from any laptop.

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or consider

adequate groups of people running adequate server infrastructure together. If service providers where really cool nothing could be said against renting a virtual server and virtual outbound connectivity.

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... answer!


merci beaucoup pour le googlecachedoc. very much appreciated!

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... answer!
last updated: 05.04.22, 07:16

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