Old Media, New Media, Honour the Tool

When analyzing the difference between the net and old electronic and print media, many people focus on 2ways communication and net tech and IP and so on.

Do not let all the buzz distract you from where the real difference came from. Before the net(s), the professionals in the center had many capital intensive devices and the so called audience(s) at large had their voice and a pen and paper, the telephone, cheap guitars and not enough time to practice.

The first cheap microproc.

Now the audience(s) can afford and sustainably own the same tools & devices as the professionals. Together we have & use many more of them. What is more, quite often we master them in a better, cooler, more efficient and, ahead of all else, more enjoyable way.

This has been made possible by silicon, the ingenuity of many good people and the products the Central Institute for the Nervous, for Consumerism and for Market Planning could not prevent to escape from its trenches.

The first affordable personal near universal device without the coverplate

Thank you Masatoshi Shima, thank you Chuck Peddle, thank you Steve Wozniak, thank you Lynn Conway, thank you Don Estridge, thank you Sophie Wilson, thank you Bob, Dave, Chuck and Butler, well and thank you many others who are famous enough anyways.*

The Advanced Risiko Machines 1st Shot, alive and well

PS: Not a few of us new media people want to turn back the tides, but the cat won't go back into the bag and for sure and safe the turn-back-the-tide-guys will ultimately fail. Why do we know that? Because of scientific analysis. That's why.

The not so tiny Newton with its strong ARM was the ancestor of many things to come.

*Woz is a bit of an oddity in that list, but by his deeds and life he belongs there.


Mmm. ARM wäre auch mal ein Feature wert. Ohne BBC Micro kein iPhone. Der öffentlich-rechtliche Apple.

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Doppelt und dreifach

wäre der ARM und ein paar mit ihm ausgerüstete Produkte ein Feature wert: der einzige echt überlebende europäische Mikroprozessor. So viele gab es da ja gar nicht. Auch hierzukontinente lizensieren die OEMs außerhalb der mobilen Welt mehr FPGAs und ASICs, aber für general purpose Funktionen brauchen cores und nehmen halt öfter 8- und 16-bit alte billige Ami-Cores und Microcontroller als den ARM.

Eigenes Gestammel dazu: Sophie Wilson, ARM ArchArchitect Sophie again IEE-Cambridge: 2004: Sophie erklärt den Firepath interessant und comme toujours troppo insiderisch wie die ganze Kolumne im ct: Von-schlechtem-Stil-und-guter-Laune Papers on Firepath Wilson-Porter-Firepath (application/pdf, 273 KB)

Wilson-Firepath1 (application/pdf, 235 KB)

Addendum 2017: Totally untrue in the meantime. ARM has won a large victory. There are more then 10 times more ARM cores on this earth now than people.

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last updated: 03.02.25, 07:14
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