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StefanL, 28.02.06, 07:09
Heute | 2006-01 | 2005-10 | 2004-11 | |
Gesamt | 34% | 42% | 35% | 51% |
Irak | 30% | 37% | 32% | 40% |
Wirtschaft | 32% | 39% | 34% | 42% |
Energie | 27% | -- | -- | -- |
Hier ist die ganze Umfrage (pdf, 18 Seiten) zu finden. Ausserdem kann bei CBS News noch diese für das Standing der Regierung Bush noch wichtigere ganz neue Umfrage Hurricane Katrina: 6 Months later eingesehen werden.
Wer lieber Analysen als trockene Zahlen hat, kann auch Losing Friends and Influence von Fred Barnes im Weekly Standard lesen. Mr. Barnes ist konservativ und hat Bush sehr lange unterstützt.
All via daily dish
plink, only 1 comment, praise or blame!Bayern beschweren sich und halten zu uns.
Bayrische Bürgermeister beschweren sich, dass die Kufsteiner den Inn total mit Schnee verschmutzen. Die Kufsteiner darauf: Bei uns kommt nur sauberer Schnee in den Inn. Den Bürgern von Kufstein ist das Schneekippen auch verboten, nicht aber der Gemeinde. Bürgermeister Marschitz: Die Gemeinde hat eine aufrechte Genehmigung, die Bürger nicht. Wir werden aslo weiter Schnee in den Inn entsorgen. Bayrische Bürgermeister wollen jetzt ihren Schnee nach Tirol fahren und im Ösiland kippen. Die höhere Politik ist mit dem Thema schon in Brüssel, dann wird den Ösis wieder alles verboten. Aber bis es so weit ist, "werd noch viel österreichischer Schmutzschnee Bayern kontaminieren." Gesehen in quer vom BR im 3Sat.
Und obwohl wir da bei weitem nicht alles gut finden, müssen wir doch zugeben, dass wir uns mit den witzigen Sound Bits in dieser Sendung amüsiert haben, ebenso bei: Quer zum Doping-Skandal: Die armen Österreicher, nicht nur dass sie Österreicher sind, jetzt auch noch ein Dopingskandal. Keiner hat sie mehr lieb, nur wir noch von quer. Wir halten immer zu Euch, wir Bayern, denn wir sind Blutsbrüder. Harry Valerien war da und hat sogar Kurier und Presse gelesen. Er hält die Ösis für "patschert". Wir hier wissen doch aus der Geschichte, dass das alles nicht von den Italienern kam, sondern dass alle antiösterreichischen Intrigen von Österreich ausgehen. Charlie Blecha? Oder doch eher irgendwelche Lulus, die dem armen tüchtigen Präsidenten Schröcks-Nadel was antun wollten?
plink, nix, praise or blame!We are more normal than you think
In a recent article of Ha'aretz' Mrs. Lili Galili presented the soon to appear "Book of Arab Society in Israel" (Sefer Hahevra Ha'aravit Biyisrael) edited by sociologist Dr.Aziz Haider1 and published by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (מכון ון ליר בירושלים).
"It is commonly assumed that the best way to tell the story of a group of people is to relay on individual, human story. Data and numbers are considered dry and fail to rouse interest", Mrs. Galili tells us and adds, that she thinks, that this new book "dispels such assumptions".
Now that might work only for the more rational and oldfashioned kind of reader, but still, according to Mrs. Galili, the book seems to contain lots of interesting and lesser known facts. That sounds exciting enough for me. Here are 3 of them (1 implicit):
Science reveals lesser known findings
Since the '60s, the average fertility rate among Arab women decreased from 9 to 4.3 children. The average fertility rate of women in the Negev is particularly high - 8.7 percent, as opposed to 2.6 percent among Christian Arab women.
Another surprising statistic presented in the book, which contradicts traditional stereotypes of Arab society, is the large percentage of single women. Single women represent 17.4 percent of Arab-Israeli women aged 30-34, as opposed to 13.2 percent of Jewish women in the same age group. "In this instance, there is no difference between Christians, Muslims, and Druze women," Haider clarifies.
This should be a factbox and opinionbox respectively
Now it should be added that this Dr. Haider here is neither an Austrian cynical player on old antisemite values nor a Panarabian terrorist playing in newstyle antiisraeli Hintergründigkeiten but a sociologist not only at the above mentioned and linked Jerusalem Van Leer Institute but also at the Truman Institute of the Hebrew University.
It should also be mentioned that we here at tinytalk love scientific antiparanoia literature. It just makes us feel better and more confident in a world where way too many people don't know otherwise than playing the game on the base of disseminating their own fears and thereby provoking stengthening other peoples fears nearly all of the time. I would not have thought about writing this the last few years but here it comes: Thank you, Dr. Haider. Thank you also, Mrs. Galil. Sincerely yours. (reading inspired by a link on motzes' weblog.
1Please note that other than the English edition of the Van Leer Institute gives the transcription of his name as "Haidar", which is more common and gives the english title of the upcoming book as "Arab Society in Israel: Population, Society and Education".
ANTSCD: The ultimate sophistication in PC marketing.
This demonstrational example is from a PC marketing history at (reading inspired by a link on tobi's weblog.
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Wired For PowerPoint
The White House's Roosevelt Room is wired for PowerPoint presentations, and most officials also bring handouts when they brief George W. Bush and his inner circle. Read more about this in Time Magazine's Online Edition. Luckily it's not behind the bars.
Nearly 2 and 1/2 years ago Edward Tufte had this flaming stuff to say in - funny of funnies - Wired. Our little band here introduced an aka for this application of transistors, software and diverse display thechnologies some time ago: "BauernBoint". Sadly it is understandable only for German speakers.
The FFFM (Formerly Famous First Mover) in this branch of CACET (Computer Aided Communication Empowering Tools) was Harvard Graphics Inc. (first released 1986) Competition came soon, in the shape of Forethought, a small company in Silicon Valley, which released PowerPoint 1.0 for the Mac in 1987. A year later MSFT bought Forethought and ported PP to Dos and Win2.0. Everybody else came to the game late and until now also stayed behind.
Etwas ganz anderes: Mich und noch mindesten einen, wahrscheinlich aber noch ein paar andere, hat der Hamas - Wahlsieg eher beruhigt.
plink, 9 comments, praise or blame!Very large scale integration
Original thought is like original sin: both happened before you were born to people you could not have possibly met.
Fran Lebowitz, go find her!
It all works out to integrating the building blocks. The target debate makes no sense, only the method debate is valid.
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