2 1/2 Days to go

On tuesday 28th Israel will elect a new Knesset. Nearly everyone gets a very boring impression on this. Nearly nothing can be felt about it. Kadima's victory seems clear and Ehud Olmert, an establishment man, old fox and known corruptionist will turn his status of acting PM to real PM. Tzipi Livni who's support transformed Olmert from an interim replacement man in Likud spinoff Kadima into the new strong man has already been declared No 2 and new acting PM by E.O. This is a rather unsypathetic move to weaken potential Vice-PM Amir Peretz before coalition negotiations begin. Let's see.

Against my hopes both Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post predict a participation of Shas and United Torah Judaism in the new government. I have trouble to understand how Olmerts statement that future coalition partners must back unilateral withdrawals could go well with those 2 parties or what the price would be. Let's see.

On the other side of the fence 'Let's discuss the end of the conflict'

Akiva Eldar of Haaretz met PA1 president Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for a long and interesting interview. Go read. Abbas estimates that with good will it would take 4 years to reach agreement and a peace treaty. It will be a difficult thing and nothing can be taken for granted. Let's hope that the old fox stays well for a will and will have a good successor up his sleeve and solve that Ben Gurion and many other did not solve. Here are 2 teasers to motivate you to read the whole interview:

"You are going into very important elections," Abu Mazen says. "We are in a historic period, in which we must decide whether we will move toward peace and a better future for our children. I can promise that you have a partner for this peace. On the day after the elections you will find us ready to sit in negotiations with no prior conditions. The leadership of both peoples and also of the international community has a supreme responsibility to exploit this opportunity. It may be the last hope to accord the two peoples their right to live in security and stability. The coming generations will not forgive us if we let it slip by.

"The negotiations with Israel will be conducted by the PLO's negotiations unit, on the basis of international legitimacy and the Arab [Saudi] initiative. I am unreservedly committed to the road map, to which you [Israel] appended 14 reservations. If we reach an agreement, I will be the one to sign it. If needed, I will put it to a referendum. I received 62 percent in the elections, in which I condemned violence outspokenly. I am certain that I will also succeed in getting a majority for a peace agreement."

And now: more related things that are going on

Baruch Marzel publicly urges IDF to assassinate Uri Avnery

National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, said yesterday that the leaders of Kadima are "traitors" and "criminals" and called on the Israel Defense Forces to assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery.

Imams and rabbis form summit on issues surrounding Temple Mount

SEVILLE, Spain - The first attempt of its kind to prevent crises over the Temple Mount took center stage yesterday at the Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, which ends today. A panel discussion on holy sites discussed a proposal to establish a permanent committee comprising an equal number of Jewish and Muslim clerics to discuss issues affecting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Israeli public's view on leaders

Some 50 percent have a negative image of Netanyahu, compared to 22 who have a positive image of him. Amir Peretz's image is slightly better - 23 percent said they have a positive image of him compared to 43 percent who have a negative one. Ehud Olmert gets the best marks here, too: 39 percent have a negative image of him, while 26 percent have a positive one.

Asked which of the three is most suitable to be prime minister, those surveyed gave answers that indicated no significant changes. Olmert still leads over Netanyahu and Peretz with 26 percent, 20.5 percent and 16 percent respectively. However, 24 percent answered no one, which indicates a general lack of enthusiasm for the three.

Corny figures for the 3 greatest "leaders" the political elite has to offer to a people that has produced scientific and political leaders sans pareil in the past. I guess not even doctors Gusenbauer, Schüssel and Haider would get marks like that. But then, the jobs these Austrians harlekins have to do is so much easier, one can't even tell.

1 Palestinian Authority

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Isolation vs. Connectivity, Socialitally Seen

The kingmob and others have published this fantastic new patented antisocial software: Isolatr beta.

For those who want a social network without all the sucky socializing, here's Isolatr.

You can digg it too.

ANTSCD: Peretz admits Labor aiming only for second place

The election campaign attitude of Labour leader Peretz has changed all of a sudden. He might have thought that showing some realism might help him more than only talking about winning, when everybody knows he will not.

Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz has conceded in private conversations over the past few days that his party is no longer vying to win the elections, but is instead fighting for runner-up position and a key role in a Kadima-led coalition.

"A small Labor in the Knesset means the rise of Likud and Lieberman," Noked said, referring to Avigdor Liberman's Yisrael Beitenu list.

This last phrase is interesting only in that Haaretz spells Mr. Liberman's name in 2 different wasy in 1 single sentence. Online journalism is a dreary thing.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Israel und die Araber

Arte Dossier zur am Samstag in Arte ausgestrahlten BBC-Dokumentation "The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs" von Brian Lappmann und Norma Percy.

Hier ist ein Interview mit der Autorin und Produzentin Norma Percy.

Eine neue Dokumentation von Mark Anderson und Dan Edge wird heute auf Arte um 20:40 ausgestrahlt: ebenso Israel und die Araber, starring William Clinton and Ehud Barak.

ANTSCD: Israel to resume apple exports to Syria via United Nations

There are different aspects to all of this. People think to little about these things. Go read yourself.

Approximately 10,000 tons of apples from Druze orchards in the Golan Heights will go to Syria, and, as the season progresses, Syrian merchants will transport the apples to Persian Gulf states, where they will be resold.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Kadima slips one; Labor and Likud hold steady

An Army Radio poll, which averaged the weekend's major opinion surveys, showed Sunday that if elections were held now, Kadima would gain 37 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, an average loss of one seat from the week before.

The poll also showed the Labor Party and the Likud holding steady with 18 and 16 seats respectively.

According to the survey, the ultra-Orthodox Sephardi Shas party gained one seat, giving it 10.

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The largely Russian-immigrant Yisrael Beiteinu party continued its ascent with nine to ten seats.

The poll predicted that the Arab parties would gain a total of between eight and nine seats, the Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism six, and the leftist Meretz five.

(Text by Haaretz Service)

Our Analysis & Hope:

Majority is 61 - standings are:
Yisrael Beteinu10
Arab Parties8
United Torah6

If Ehud Olmert can sharpen his profile and stop the slide that would give a pretty good center coalition were he could select the most rational (behind doors) of the religious parties. A stable and movable peace coalition with noticable successes would be the one thing that did in Bibi and his Arabian counterparts for a long time or ever. In times of gravest danger, hope must prevail. Olmert might have been a rather corrupt and greedy guy but now - we believe - he is the expression of system rationality which is something we have quite a lot of trust in. Look at his kids.

ANTSNITAS1: The disgrace of Mapai veterans

Instead of welcoming the fact that a worker from Sderot made it almost to the top, instead of saying that this is precisely what democracy is for, an ugly scorning of the man began, depicting him as "not one of us."

1And Now To Something Nearby In Time And Space

ANTSCD: 1019$ Average on 38 Bids

for a MySpace clone with all of its current features, a nice design and a good content management system. In php and mysql too. A month to develop. (Via motzes)

I have to confess, I was wrong. I'm a weak and leazy negotiator. Searls and Weinberger are right. It was them that said on World of Ends: The Internet isn't complicated!

It's not even expensive anymore! Neither in terms of time nor in terms of money.

plink, 2 comments,    praise or blame!

Wahlkampf in Israel: Ab heute auch Videos

Er geht in seine heisse Phase und Ha'aretz berichtet über eine interessante Umfrage zur Medienberichterstattung und Unzufriedenheit des israelischen Publikums damit, Poll: Media good to Kadima, hostile toward Likud, Shas, teilt aber auch mit, dass ab Dienstag abend (heute) auch Fernsehen und Hörfunk als Wahlwerbeplattform eröffnet sind.

Mehr Umfragen und Meinungen

Der Christian Science Monitor dagegen ist jetzt schon von der Kadima (sinkende Pollwerte) und Ehud Olmert (unilaterale Abzugspläne) leise enttäuscht: Israel eyes broad West Bank pullout

Aus anderen Gründen findet wiederum Ha'aretz:

Kadima's unilateralism is not good enough

Laut Jerusalem Post werden auch die religiösen Auseinandersetzungen um die Religiösen härter: Likud, Kadima battle for Orthodox votes

'Sharon the good, Bibi the bad, Peretz the irrelevant'

Etwas westlicher geht es in der elektrischen Wahlpropaganda zu. Wie schon aus dem ersten Artikel oben hervorgeht, wird es ab heute abend bis zur Wahl täglich TV- und Radiospots der wahlwerbenden Parteien geben. Die Jerusalem Post berichtet unter obigem Titel darüber. Deshalb wissen wir schon jetzt, dass und wie sich die "election commercials" von Kadima hauptsächlich gegen Netanjahu richten werden, zu Recht wie ich meine. Dessen Argumente (Olmert belohnt Terroristen) sind fies und blöd wie eh und je: "We found that the Israeli public has a short memory and our opponents are trying to take advantage of it," Arad said. "The Likud is trying to hide that Netanyahu was ever prime minister. We didn't go below the belt and get personal, but we wanted to remind people why not Bibi."

Amir Peretz soll eher als irrelevant hingestellt werden und da hat die Kadima auch ein "ganz gemeines" Grundargument auf Lager: "But for now, I think it's relevant to bring up that Peretz is trying to skip from second to twelfth grade, and that it's problematic to try to represent Israel in the 21st century without knowing English."

In Österreich würden wir ja sagen: "... represent Österreich and cannot English." Das ist allerdings dann eine Geschichte für den Herbst. Außerdem kann der Peretz dafür sicher gut Französisch.

Jetzt hoffe ich, dass dieser Ehud und seine Generäle es besser hinbekommen als der vorige, und dass es mit Herrn Peretz, was die Arbeit für die weniger gut dastehenden Israelis angeht, und auch sonst zu einer gedeihlichen Zusammenarbeit kommt.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

last updated: 23.11.24, 18:34

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Die sind
wirklich die allerletzten.
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with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
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Should be
pretty easy to guess from the context and image who HaFi and InTu are. Besides, thx for the hint to the open bold-tag.
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1 comment, lower geht es mathematisch schon aber psychosomatisch nicht.
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da ist wohl ein <b> offen geblieben… und wer oder was sind HF und IT?
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manche nennen das
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U get 1 big smile from me 4 that comment! And yes, i do not like embedded except it is good like this. It's like....
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