So manipulieren Sie Ihren Chef

Chef manipulieren

In Zeiten, in denen Zeitungen (auch angeblich eher konservative wie der Kurier) und sicherlich fast alle Zeitschriften ihren Lesern empfehlen, den Chef zu manipulieren und dann noch ein Manual (wiewohl nur "Erste Schritte") mitliefern, braucht sich niemand wundern, dass alles nur ein psychologisches Spiel ist.

Andererseits, das ist es doch, was die Menschen gerne wollen, spielen, spielen, spielen. Jedenfalls immer dann, wenn Gefahr und Not klein genug sind dafür. Drittens aber gibt es heutzutage doch ein großes Problem, weil halt die Spielzeuge mancher Jungs - und auch Mädchen - dermassen überdimensional sind, dass sie einfach zuviel Schaden anrichten, anderswo und zunehmend auch wieder hierzulande.

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Play the role of the loser in dignity

From "Our Religion is called America" an interview "Der Spiegel" did with Norman Mailer in 2003.

Spiegel: How are flag conservatives different from value conservatives?

Mailer: Traditionalists like Pat Buchanan believe that America should be occupied with itself in solving its problems. They hold to the family, the Fatherland and faith. They stand for hard work, honesty and a balanced state budget.

Bush is different. Flag conservatives like him act as though they believed in the old values but completely ignore them. They use the flag; they use biblical symbols like “evil” unscrupulously. They live in the illusion that America is the good and the only hope for the world. Flag conservatives believe that America can and must rule the world. Without empire, the country goes downhill economically and morally. This is the unexpressed subtext for the Iraq war that is always denied.

Spiegel: Bush is compared with President Harry Truman. Both had simple natures and were inexperienced in the world but were capable of momentous decisions.

Mailer: No. Truman was a self-made man. He had stubbornness and strong roots that Bush doesn’t have. Bush reminds me of Ronald Reagan in some regards. They both have a quality that makes them appear very endearing for Americans.

Spiegel: What is that quality?

Mailer: As a play actor, Reagan was always Number two in love stories. He won the maiden but also left her to another man – with a smile on his face. Americans loved him for that. In the biography of most men, they weren’t the first choice of the women of their dreams. Bush is just the same. As an actor, he played the role of the loser in dignity.

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Nadhéra Beletreche racaille de France

Après les émeutes des novembre 2005 en banlieue, elle a fondé un collectif pour faire entendre la voix des jeunes des cités. Elle juge le mouvement contre le CPE* "extrêmement égoïste". ____________________ *Contrat Première Embauche

Nadhéra Beletreche ©Pascal Perich pour "Le Monde"

Ich habe diese sehr intelligente, wie sie selbst sagt, unter 26-jährige Frau in Paris zufällig reden gehört und ein paar Dinge von dem, was sie sagte, verstanden.

Was Nadhéra meint ist, dass die derzeit in Frankreich ablaufende Debatte und die zugehörige Jugendbewegung ein Musterbeispiel dafür ist, wie verschiedene Gruppierungen einen Auslöser benutzen (können) um unter Vorspiegelung von Notwendigkeiten und Idealen irgend ein Maximum an politischen Effekten für sich herauszuschlagen.

Der betreffende Artikel in "Le Monde" ist hier. Erschienen: 1. April 2006 Autor: Marie-Pierre Subtil Länge: 1049 Wörter Leider in einem kostenpflichtigen Archiv, für Abonnenten der Zeitung oder des Archivs oder einzeln um 2€. Darum jetzt ausschnittsweise:

Extrait: Après les émeutes de novembre 2005 en banlieue, elle a fondé un collectif pour faire entendre la voix des jeunes des cités. Elle juge le mouvement contre le contrat première embauche « extrêmement égoïste ». Evidemment, elle est partagée. La Nadhéra « jeune de moins de 26 ans » se réjouit de la mobilisation contre le contrat première embauche. La Nadhéra « jeune des cités » ne participe à aucune manifestation. En 1998, lycéenne, elle avait défilé contre Claude Allègre. En 2006, étudiante en maîtrise de philosophie à l'université de Nanterre, elle trouve cette mobilisation « extrêmement égoïste » et s'alarme : « Les jeunes des cités reviennent sur la scène, mais de manière catastrophique.

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2 1/2 Days to go

On tuesday 28th Israel will elect a new Knesset. Nearly everyone gets a very boring impression on this. Nearly nothing can be felt about it. Kadima's victory seems clear and Ehud Olmert, an establishment man, old fox and known corruptionist will turn his status of acting PM to real PM. Tzipi Livni who's support transformed Olmert from an interim replacement man in Likud spinoff Kadima into the new strong man has already been declared No 2 and new acting PM by E.O. This is a rather unsypathetic move to weaken potential Vice-PM Amir Peretz before coalition negotiations begin. Let's see.

Against my hopes both Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post predict a participation of Shas and United Torah Judaism in the new government. I have trouble to understand how Olmerts statement that future coalition partners must back unilateral withdrawals could go well with those 2 parties or what the price would be. Let's see.

On the other side of the fence 'Let's discuss the end of the conflict'

Akiva Eldar of Haaretz met PA1 president Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for a long and interesting interview. Go read. Abbas estimates that with good will it would take 4 years to reach agreement and a peace treaty. It will be a difficult thing and nothing can be taken for granted. Let's hope that the old fox stays well for a will and will have a good successor up his sleeve and solve that Ben Gurion and many other did not solve. Here are 2 teasers to motivate you to read the whole interview:

"You are going into very important elections," Abu Mazen says. "We are in a historic period, in which we must decide whether we will move toward peace and a better future for our children. I can promise that you have a partner for this peace. On the day after the elections you will find us ready to sit in negotiations with no prior conditions. The leadership of both peoples and also of the international community has a supreme responsibility to exploit this opportunity. It may be the last hope to accord the two peoples their right to live in security and stability. The coming generations will not forgive us if we let it slip by.

"The negotiations with Israel will be conducted by the PLO's negotiations unit, on the basis of international legitimacy and the Arab [Saudi] initiative. I am unreservedly committed to the road map, to which you [Israel] appended 14 reservations. If we reach an agreement, I will be the one to sign it. If needed, I will put it to a referendum. I received 62 percent in the elections, in which I condemned violence outspokenly. I am certain that I will also succeed in getting a majority for a peace agreement."

And now: more related things that are going on

Baruch Marzel publicly urges IDF to assassinate Uri Avnery

National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, said yesterday that the leaders of Kadima are "traitors" and "criminals" and called on the Israel Defense Forces to assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery.

Imams and rabbis form summit on issues surrounding Temple Mount

SEVILLE, Spain - The first attempt of its kind to prevent crises over the Temple Mount took center stage yesterday at the Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, which ends today. A panel discussion on holy sites discussed a proposal to establish a permanent committee comprising an equal number of Jewish and Muslim clerics to discuss issues affecting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Israeli public's view on leaders

Some 50 percent have a negative image of Netanyahu, compared to 22 who have a positive image of him. Amir Peretz's image is slightly better - 23 percent said they have a positive image of him compared to 43 percent who have a negative one. Ehud Olmert gets the best marks here, too: 39 percent have a negative image of him, while 26 percent have a positive one.

Asked which of the three is most suitable to be prime minister, those surveyed gave answers that indicated no significant changes. Olmert still leads over Netanyahu and Peretz with 26 percent, 20.5 percent and 16 percent respectively. However, 24 percent answered no one, which indicates a general lack of enthusiasm for the three.

Corny figures for the 3 greatest "leaders" the political elite has to offer to a people that has produced scientific and political leaders sans pareil in the past. I guess not even doctors Gusenbauer, Schüssel and Haider would get marks like that. But then, the jobs these Austrians harlekins have to do is so much easier, one can't even tell.

1 Palestinian Authority

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Isolation vs. Connectivity, Socialitally Seen

The kingmob and others have published this fantastic new patented antisocial software: Isolatr beta.

For those who want a social network without all the sucky socializing, here's Isolatr.

You can digg it too.

ANTSCD: Peretz admits Labor aiming only for second place

The election campaign attitude of Labour leader Peretz has changed all of a sudden. He might have thought that showing some realism might help him more than only talking about winning, when everybody knows he will not.

Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz has conceded in private conversations over the past few days that his party is no longer vying to win the elections, but is instead fighting for runner-up position and a key role in a Kadima-led coalition.

"A small Labor in the Knesset means the rise of Likud and Lieberman," Noked said, referring to Avigdor Liberman's Yisrael Beitenu list.

This last phrase is interesting only in that Haaretz spells Mr. Liberman's name in 2 different wasy in 1 single sentence. Online journalism is a dreary thing.

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last updated: 03.10.24, 19:21

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