Nachtrag: Konsonans / Retro / Skis

Konsonans Retro Singt

Hakoah fährt Ski

  1. Konsonans Retro, a fantastic klezzified family brass band from Ukraina played the Vienna Ostklub. Better still: about every 7th song they do away with brass and sing. Even better: backstage after the show our Svetlana sang a Ukrainian song with two and than 4 of them, hairraising.
  2. A last little reflection on the past skiing season. Did not think i could ever have so much fun on two pieces of plastic anymore. RTBC, definitely.
plink, nix,    praise or blame!

2 1/2 Tage

Musik machen in den kleinen Karpaten, macht sehr müde und ziemlich glücklich.

Unser Chor

Man wird so müde dabei, dass man die Leistungen von Profimusikern, speziell auf Tourneen noch mehr bewundert als vorher.

Man versteht aber irgendwie auch besser, warum dann manche Konzerte auf Tourneen Oasch sind.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

And Now For The Rest Of RTBC, Part III

Health service glasses, gigolos and brasses, round or skinny bottoms

Take your mum to paris, lighting up the chalice wee willy harris

6 'n' drugs 'n' rock 'n' roll

Bantu Stephen Biko, listening to Rico, Harpo, Groucho, Chico

Cheddar cheese and pickle, the Vincent motorsickle, slap and tickle Woody Allen, Dali, Dimitri and Pasquale balabalabala and Volare

Something nice to study, phoning up a buddy, being in my nuddy Saying hokey-dokey, singalonga Smokey, coming out of chokey John Coltrane's soprano, Adi Celentano,Bonar Colleano

Johnny C. and Adi C., my ass, but wtf or wtf is Bonar Colleano?

A nice try at cultural explanation can be found here on the rötörhead blogg. What this nigger here really loves in this numba is the horn solo at the end.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Even More Of It

A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it You're welcome, we can spare it - yellow socks Too short to be haughty, too nutty to be naughty Going on 40 - no electric shocks

The juice of the carrot, the smile of the parrot A little drop of claret - anything that rocks Elvis and Scotty, days when I ain't spotty, Sitting on the potty - curing smallpox

Line 3, feels like me, yeah, really, though i'm past 50 This being part 3/2

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Some Reasons To Be Cheerful

Summer, Buddy Holly, the working folly Good golly Miss Molly and boats Hammersmith Palais, the Bolshoi Ballet Jump back in the alley and nanny goats

18-wheeler Scammels, Domenecker camels All other mammals plus equal votes Seeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy Being rather silly, and porridge oats

this being only part 1/3, ctsy of Ian Dury

Gumotex Palava inflatable canoe

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

last updated: 19.09.24, 13:09

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