Only Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Manche tun das Richtige auf die falsche Art. Manche tun das Falsche auf die richtige Art. Wenige tun das Richtige auf die richtige Art. Wenige tun das Falsche auf die falsche Art.

Leider ist es noch komplizierter.

Manche erreichen das Richtige, indem sie das Falsche tun. Manche erreichen das Falsche, indem sie das Richtige tun. Wenige erreichen das Richtige, indem sie das Richtige tun. Wenige erreichen das Falsche, indem sie das Falsche tun.

All of the above seems to have to do with the average desirability of good and bad and certain troubles with near and long term benefit estimation.

As we have already quoted in our article on Science Fiction and Sturgeon's Law, if there is any difference in "desirability", the Bell curve of a normal distribution predicts that most experiences will involve average desirability, with roughly equally few occurrences of excellence and gross inadequacy.

That last quote (from Wikipedia, from where else, if we may ask) also seems to tell us, that nearly everything is a question of desirability and cognition. It seems to say that everything is in the eye of the beholder. Today not a few people even interpret certain properties and difficulties in quantum mechanics that way.

But, but let us assure you that beauty indeed is a function of the eye of the beholder, but goodness is not, may it appear as such or not. Let us also assure you that although we definitely are unable to fathom the ways of the universe, those ways are no function of our cognition, although Herr Freud and many others said so. It is the other way round. Terms are not primary as Platon is reported to have thought and 'Beauty' is a term that just describes the function of our senses considered.

Two More Things

1) We here at tinytalk in sunny Highgate have not given up on the hope that one day we will understand gravity better still than we do today.

2) We love to quote and so we do. This time it will be some lines from German singer/songwriter Funny van Dannen's song "Gutes Tun":

F.v.Dannen, lyricistKondome nicht ins Klo, keine Drogen sowieso, weniger Fernsehen, öfter zu Fuß gehen. Auch mal an die im Abseits denken, gebrauchte Pornos dem Altersheim schenken. Versuchs doch mal mit Gutes tun, dann geht alles besser. Wie scharf du heute wieder bist, sprach das Brot zum Messer.


plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Never Is Too Late

Mrs. Joan Armatrading, composer, guitarist, singer extraordinaire

Alone, you turn your head around. On your own, the order to the man, one strong drink. Searching for that question, To give yourself some reason To talk to a stranger.

Don't be afraid, we all need someone who is on our side. Some things must not wait, And a pledge short lived or long is all that's needed. Who'll help?

Don't isolate, if you see someone not dancing it's your fault. Never is too late. And a dance short lived or long is all that's needed. Who'll help this lonely one?

Move, direction seems unknown. Walk, another hour passed and still alone. Searching for that question, Looking for somebody, Trying to find that person ...

Composer: Joan Armatrading Lyricist: Joan Armatrading Producer: Glyn Johns

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

This Is Not A Joke

There's a danger zone, not a stranger zone than the little plot I walk on that I call my home. Full of eerie sights, weird and skeery sights ev'ry vicious animal that creeps and crawls and bites!

On the Amazon, the prophylactics prowl. On the Amazon, the hypodermics howl. On the Amazon, you'll hear a scarab scowl and sting, zodiacs on the wing.

All the stalactites and vicious vertebrae hunt the stalagmites while laryngitis slay all that parasites that come from Paraguay in spring. Hmm, hmm hmmm.

Snarling equinox among the rocks will seize you. And the Fahrenheit comes out at night to freeze you. Wild duodenum are lurking in the trees and the jungle swarms with green apostrophes. Oh, the Amazon is calling me.

On the Amazon, the pax vobiscum bite. On the Amazon, the epiglottis fight. On the Amazon, the hemispheres at night all slink where the agnostics drink.

All the hippodromes that lie concealed in mud hunt the metronomes that live in swamp and flood. Then the kodachromes come out and drink their blood, poor ginks.

While velocipedes among the weeds will scare you and the menopause with hungry jaws ensnares you. Frenzied adenoids infest the hills and slopes. Everyone avoids the deadly stethoscopes.

Oh, the Amazon is calling Yes, the Amazon is calling Oh, the Amazon is calling me-ee!!

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Shredded On Youtube

Kathryn Bigelow, 57, ex-wife of James Cameron and Mark Boal, independent journalist and writer have published a new opus. It goes by the name of "The Hurt Locker", has already experienced success at festivals in the US and Europe and is generally rather warmly welcomed by critique.

Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow

It is a movie about defusing bombs in Irak-e 'Arab. The short plot summary in the international movie database is, Iraq. Forced to play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse in the chaos of war, an elite Army bomb squad unit must come together in a city where everyone is a potential enemy and every object could be a deadly bomb.

Wikipedia tells us that "The Hurt Locker was picked up by distributor Summit Entertainment. The film was released in the United States on June 26, 2009 in New York and Los Angeles. Based on the success of its limited run, the independent film received a more widespread theatrical release on July 24, 2009.

Quote: There's enough bang in there to blow us all to Jesus. If I'm gonna die, I want to die comfortable.

But our probable favourite quote from which we derived our headline will be the following. We cannont quote correctly yet, 'cause till now we have only read about it in german reviews, for example one in the print edition of Süddeutsche Zeitung and were not able to find the original in a quick search over the web.

In a tight defusing situation the three comrades the film is about see a bad man with a camera look at them from a minaret or so. Sniper Eldrige seems to have commented this like "o no, in a minute we'r gonna be shredded on Youtube.

We feel it is modern and pretty up to date for a film writer and a film directrice to think of such a thing. We also deem it might be nearly real, cause we know that US warships and off-country bases are equipped with internet and US navy and army specialists use the internet as often as they use the telly these days. Why should young Iraqis or Iranis not share their actions and geodata?

There are lots of reviews on the net and the english wikipedia article has got some links to the professional ones.

This movie is, or rather will be, a very smart construction about being very smart and being defensive. We're pretty sure it just leaves out the forwardly offensive part that is there irl, because the larger part of the US population prefers the thought and construct of being defensive over the thought of being in the lead and being responsible. N#We are held, never to forget, what America and the great Britain did and do in the Irak-e 'Arab is defending the freedom of the world.

Still it is to be hoped that the film's got enough bang to blow us all, if not to Jesus, then at least to two hours of passive unlimeted fun. We will go and watch.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Super Fun Hello Whore

Morgen spielt es zur Primetime in Sat 1 den Film, den ich Anfang 2006 unter dem Titel Wostok Women wenigstens teilweise ziemlich gelobt habe.


Ash Karreau dagegen hat das Werk unter dem obigen viel besseren Titel komplett zerrissen, was allerdings die Blattlinie von 16mm Shrine ist: "Also, they got Chinese actresses to play Japanese characters, when they should have gotten white people, because they can speak English."

Der Film ist, außer im einigen Momenten nicht so gut und in einigen ein fast so blöder Japanverstehfilm wie "The Last Samurai". Aber 3 der schönsten Frauen der Welt - wenigstens, wenn man die mandeläugigen mag, beim Spielen zuzuschauen, ist es wert, die Unterbrecherwerbung zu ertragen.

Und - "Memoirs of a Geisha" ist natürlich ein Frauen-Versteh-Film und Emanzipationsfilm und ganz sicher kein Japan-Versteh-Film. Das ist halt das Schicksal von führenden Klassen, dass sie peinlicherweise immer ihre eigene Entwicklungspsychologie für das Universum halten müssen.

Vorgeblich soll Herr Spielberg bei Drehbuch und Produktion mitgewirkt haben. Herr Geffen soll ihm abgeraten haben. Wer nicht ausgeht, dem empfehl ich ihn trotzdem. Schon wegen der Bitch-Fights.

ANTSCD1: The Official God FAQ. Do not miss to read the Small Print on the Bottom of that Page.

BTW2: This nigger here of course is not but a 17th century Dutch theologian and nothing from the 70ies in our school would qualify him as such. 1 - And Now To Something Completeley Different 2 - By The Way

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

last updated: 19.09.24, 13:09

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