Keeping the French out of Aramco

Caveat: Wer der Entwicklung des "Nahen Ostens" nicht allzu genau gefolgt ist, wird das unten Zitierte leider nur schwer verstehen. Unter dem Eindruck der Abmachungen während des und der Verhandlungen nach dem 1. WK konnte die britische Regierung ihr Quasimonopol über die Ölkonzessionen im Irak nicht aufrechterhalten und mußt im Rahmen umfangreicher Verträge ein französisches sowie ein amerikanisches Konsortium an der Iraq Petroleum Company beteiligen. Für die USA war das der Anfang (nicht ganz), für Frankreich aber schon wieder das Ende der Fahnenstange in diesem Business und Weltstrich. Der entscheidende Satz steht ganz unten: Although Exxon and Mobil eventually reached an IPC settlement the French never forgave the Americans for keeping them out of Saudi Arabia.

The full quote

The intense strain that the Aramco merger negotiations created in Franco-American political relations was of great concern to the State Department. In late February 1947, Paul Nitze, Deputy Director of the Office of International Trade Policy, concluded that the IPC/Aramco swap alternative had political advantages which the Department should raise with Exxon and Mobil: 1) it would afford a simple, clear-cut solution to the immediate problem with the French since their rights under the Red Line Agreement would not be involved, and 2) it would go some way toward meeting Congressional and domestic oil industry criticism of the multiplication of interlocking arrangements among the small group of large American and British oil comparties.

On March 7, 1947, following a second note of protest from the French Government, Harden and his Mobil associates were called to Washington to meet with Paul Nitze, George McGhee, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, John A. Loftus, Petroleum Division Chief, and other State Department officials. The company representatives said that their respective management had already rejected the IPC/Aramco swap alternative but that the French would be taken care of under the new IPC system they were now offering. (Exxon and Mobil had been supplying the State Department with copies of their on-going cable traffic between New York and London.) The Departments attention was called to a February 15th cable in which the American IPC partners agreed for the first time to give CFP and Gulbenkian more oil than the IPC Group Agreement allowed. The State Department's representatives sought assurances that the new arrangements being negotiated would not increase future friction with the French. The Exxon and Mobil representatives insisted that once implemented their strategy could be harmoniously administered. U.S. domestic oil companies, the Department officials noted, were putting increasing pressure on the State Department to help them secure concessions in the Middle East. The Exxon and Mobil representatives assured the Department that they had not taken any action to cause other American companies to be excluded from the Middle East. Mobil's understanding of the conference was as follows:

It was apparent that the Department's concern was two-fold: that present arrangements should be such as to minimize chances of future friction between American and French interests; and that grounds should not be given for the possible charge that the Government had supported Jersey and Socony in obtaining positions in the Middle East which might be considered exclusive.

While the State Department answered the French Government's protests, Exxon and Mobil went ahead and made a "standstill" agreement with Caltex in Saudi Arabia. The ultimate acquisition by Exxon and Mobil of a stock interest in Aramco and the Trans-Arabian Pipe-Line Company (Tapline) was held in abeyance until they settled with CFP and Gulbenkian so as to avoid forfeiture of their Aramco stock to the French in the event the latter went ahead with their legal threat and won in the British courts. In their "standstill" agreement, Exxon and Mobil guaranteed a bank loan of $102,000,000 for their 30% and 10% respective Aramco interests as well as their equity share of a $125,000,000 capital investment loan for the construction of Tapline. Although Exxon and Mobil eventually reached an IPC settlement the French never forgave the Americans for keeping them out of Saudi Arabia.

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trying to follow your line i simply come to the conclusion the only way out of this would be to run dry? nah, wouldn't be a solution, they even would go on and play it virtually.

... plink  



running dry's no solution for nobody. 1 erster Schritt auf allen Seiten könnte sein, ein bißchen weniger zu lügen und ein bißchen mehr die Peinlichkeiten der Vergangenheit zuzugeben. So heilig braucht keiner sein, nicht im W, nicht im O und ganz unabhängig von der Religion.

... plink  

... answer!
last updated: 03.10.24, 19:21

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