Don, Em and Vol Plan To Reenact "La bande des Dalton"

While reviewing his Paris vacation photos Don Trumpledore, President Elect for still more than a month, had a brilliant idea how to drive away the boredom that struck him every other day.

What if he invited Emmanuel Jean-Michel and Volodymyr Olksandrovych and the 3 of them started a reenactment project of the glorious deeds of the famous Dalton brothers. 2 or 3 heists before Christmas and the following chases where you could fool and outsmart the hated FBI even before Kash Patel could get a grip on them. This would for sure drive away any touch of boredom until at least mid-January.

It would also help to distract all 3 of them from annoying stuff like illegal Mexicans, illegitimate Yellow Jackets and bothersome Koreans. The only open questions were, would they have to grow moustaches and would they need a fourth guy?

Of course and like always this quality publication will not leave the interested reader out in the cold without background and context.

The "Dalton Gang" was a group of outlaws in the American Old West. It was also known as The "Dalton Brothers" because four of its members were brothers. The gang specialized in bank and train robberies. During an attempted double bank robbery in Coffeyville, Kansas in 1892, two of the brothers and two other gang members were killed; Emmett Dalton survived, was captured, and later pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was paroled after serving 14 years in prison.

Their names were Bob (Robert Rennick, 1869–1892), Grat (Grattan Hanley, 1861–1892), Bill (William Marion, 1863–1894) and Emmett (1871–1937). So Don naturally would be Bob and Vol would be Grat. Em would be Emmett. But other than in historic reality of course Don had no itention to be shot dead while he would not mind a sudden departure of Vlad, the most courageous and crazy of the 3 of them.

Brothers Bob, Grat and Emmett had first worked as lawmen for the federal court at Fort Smith, Arkansas and then for the Osage Nation. They started stealing horses to make more money, and then fled the area. They went on to robbing trains and banks. While the oldest brother "Bill" Dalton never joined any heist, he still served them as a spy and informant.

Due to the sensationalism of the so called yellow press, they were accused of robberies all over the country but operated chiefly in California, Kansas, Oklahoma Territory, and Indian Territory. The American press did not shy away from even just making up stories about the gang that were then published and contributed to their myth.

Now the Dalton Gang were largely forgotten in the world at large until Belgian draftsman Maurice De Bevere (aka Morris) started his immortal series of "Lucky Luke" comic books and urgently needed worthy antagonists for this protagonist, a simple cowboy who supposedly drew his Colt faster than his shadow could. He renamed the brothers Joe, William, Jack and Averell and, unlike their models, let them stick together through thick and thin. These Daltons though being convicted then and again also never die and always get back to being at large, ready for the next coup.

Said and done, Don immediately called Em and Vol from his proven tel conference machine. Both colleagues immediately were game to the party and they started to discuss the moustaches and the fourth man. Don suggested Putin or Orban, saying they were even shorter than Vol and could thus easily stand in for Averell and maybe that inclusion could be a first step to the final tel peace call. Vol of course disagreed violently with both suggestions. Em, at least, did definitely not want Orban in, so for this topic they were back to zero.

Concerning the moustache question, comic books expert Em argued, that it probably would be stylish if all of them grew identical moustaches and that these would make then look more like brothers. "But, and it is a big BUT," he continued, "beards and moustaches were not that important with the historic originals and that ultimately he was against them. "I think Brigitte would not like it" was his strongest argument in the end. Don and Vol agreed. Don also preferred to stay clean shaven and Vol would rather hold on to his carefully maintained 7 day field beard. With a friendly "Let's call it a day and let us sleep over both questions", Don closed the conference.

Folllow this channel to always stay on top of all developments. Will they find a fourth man? Will they discuss moustaches again? What will they do first? Will it be a bank, a train or the treasury? Will it end well or will it end badly? As always, we'll keep you posted!


The (correct) first name of Mr. Zelenskyj is the Ukrainian Володи́мир, not (of all things) the Russian Влади́мир 😿

Second name is Oleksandrovych.

Ложка дьогтю у бочці меду.

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We could just barely

keep the censor's office and the press team of the president-elect from intervention but here are our apologies and our thanks for these valuable hints and notes. After due scrutiny the tar has been lifted out of the hony and the mistakes in the text have been corrected and apologies have been sent to the Ukrainian Language Academy. Not for the wrong second name of course, those went to Volodymyr's mother.

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last updated: 03.02.25, 07:14
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