In Praise of Vittorio Cuniberti

Vittorio Cuniberti was an Italian, a naval architect and the father of the dreadnought.

In 1903 with permission of the Italian gonvernment, he published an article in Fighting Ships called "An Ideal Battleship for the British Fleet". This article was to have a large effect on the shape of the world's leading navies. 3 years before Cuniberti had published "Ein neuer Schlachtschifftypus" in "Marine Rundschau" where he had laid down his principles already.

In 1902 Cuniberti wrote in "Fighting Ships": Looking to America, one realises that chaos reigns in the designing department of the United States Navy, and hardly a month seems to pass without a new type being brought out, more and more loaded with guns;" And, going on he makes fun of the American practice of using up to 4 different calibres on 1 ship.

His idea was to build "a moderate-sized very swift vessel with the greatest possible unified armament". On August 10, 1904 this ideas where put to test in the Russo-Japanese war. After Russian flagship Tsarevitch had hit Japanese Admiral Togo's flagship from a distance of 13km and Russian commander Admiral Witthoft had been killed by a hit from a distance of 9km, the world was sufficiently convinced.

The ship that gave the class its name

Theodore Roosevelt, a real navy man was elected president of the United States and by and large among the great powers the last race of the great "Linienschiff" was born. It ruled supreme but held out for less than 40 years and was shot into oblivion by the Supermarine Spitfire, the Messerschmidt 109, the Mitsubishi Zero and not least by the NorthAmerican P51 Mustang. Down with it went the glory of the United Kingdom.

Scheme of the biggest fürchtenix ever

By the way, that image a couple of postings below pictures the 14inch guns of Yamashiro. So now, while we are at it, the old Irish verse: And Britannia's huns with their long range guns is obsolete, marvelously and finely so. Just imagine Blair or Thatcher before him commanding such power. I do not even need them to be any stronger then Argentina.

Rather you cry for me. Please!


Re: In praise of Vittorio Cuniberti

Leider hab`ich das Rätsel erst jetzt entdeckt. Die Lösung ist ja schon verraten.

... plink  


Re: Re: In praise of Vittorio Cuniberti

Sorry Hans, ich dachte, es langweilt Dich schon, wenn'st aber noch eins magst, tella me! Was sagt Du zu Kunibert? Größter Kampfschiffsarchitekt aller Zeiten?

... plink  


Re: Re: In praise of Vittorio Cuniberti

Langweilen? Mitnichten. Finde ja, das man dieses obskure und mißverständliche Interessensgebiet den Horst Friedrich Mayers der Welt überlassen soll.

Cuniberti war mir neu. Hab da auch webmäßig nach Deinem Post einiges nachgelesen.

Zu Tsushima fällt mir Frank Thiess' Roman ein, dass ich gern gelesen hatte. Eine wunderbare Chronik des programmierten Scheiterns (seitens der Zarenflotte)

Rätsel, gerne. Muss zugeben, dass das letzte schon sehr schwer gewesen wäre. Wäre ich durch die weissen Matrosenuniformen auf ein japanisches Schiff gekommen ? Aber nachher weiss man ja alles besser.

... plink  


Re: Re: In praise of Vittorio Cuniberti

Dafür, und nur dafür, waren die Matrosen postiert. Gestern zu Mittag eine Diskussion über britische und chinesische Kanonen im 1. Opiumkrieg angeleiert. Ist schon seltsam, wie unbedeutend das alles unter lauter guten Menschen wirkt. Und, wie Du richtig sagst, MISSVERSTÄNDLICH!

... plink  


Looking for Vitorio in all the wrong places

Greetings and salutations, I'm looking for Englsih translations of Vitorio Cuniberti's treatice. Any free help?

... plink  

... answer!
last updated: 18.01.25, 23:42
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