Thinking About Friend-Foes

In our most important relationships, from the negotiating table in the boardroom to the breakfast table with our kids, we routinely face challenges that appear to offer two opposing solutions. Yet the question - should we cooperate or should we compete - is often the wrong one. Our most important relationships are neither cooperative nor competitive. Instead, they are both.

The above quote is from a book about when to cooperate and when to compete by two professors from the Business School at Columbia University and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. So like many of this kind of books it is semi-academic but also well worth the effort to read it from start to end.

Businesses Instead of Persons

I happen to know the managing director of Google's Austrian subsidiary from former common time on the board of the Austrian Web Analytics Association. One day when I accompanied some media people to get a first hand look (for us it actually was the second time) on Google Glass I met him coincidentally in their offices. We had been good colleagues on that board and were pleased to meet after some time.

While talking about olden and newer times we came across the relation of traditional media and Google. I knew and he knew that me knew that Google is not the foe of Media and not the monster that many people think it is. So it must have felt natural form him to complain about the stupid things many important people in the media business where publishing in their outlets but also telling politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels and elsewhere. He finished by saying, "but you at last must know that Google is a friend, maybe even the best friend of the media business in this time."

I conceded the point only partially and answered "that I knew of course that Google was giving the media more money than they took from them and also knew that Google tried hard to be many media companies' friend." So we ended with an overall conclusion that "we considered Google as a kind of friend-foe of the media industry as a whole. My Google friend answered that he could live with that.

The tension between competition and cooperation defines many of our interactions at home and work, and to succeed across these realms requires knowing when and how to do both.

last updated: 03.03.25, 19:12
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