Faulty Data or Phenomenon? - More Metrics Trouble!

Comscore has released data on internet usage across Europe:

Overview of European Internet Usage by Country Ranked by Total Unique Visitors (000)
May 2011
Total Europe Audience, Age 15+, Home and Work Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Location Total Unique Visitors (000) Average Hours per Visitor Average Pages per Visitor
World-Wide 1,373,976 23.9 2,161
Europe 366,862 26.8 2,752
Germany 49,993 24.1 2,638
Russian Federation 48,294 24.0 2,618
France 42,335 27.8 2,682
United Kingdom 36,660 33.9 3,079
Italy 23,210 18.3 1,762
Turkey 22,900 31.8 3,448
Spain 21,450 26.8 2,449
Poland 18,193 26.9 3,061
Netherlands 11,963 35.2 3,467
Sweden 6,161 25.0 2,423
Belgium 5,944 20.5 2,085
Austria 4,676 14.1 1,485
Switzerland 4,666 19.6 1,923
Portugal 4,146 21.5 2,034
Denmark 3,649 21.7 2,256
Finland 3,349 26.0 2,396
Norway 3,227 26.5 2,156
Ireland 2,079 21.5 1,953

The stunning data point in this table is 14.1 average hours of internet usage per visitor and month in Austria. This is so far from comparable countries and so deep below the continental and worldwide averages that any observer would lean to have second thoughts.

If true it means that on an average Austrian internet users spend less than half an hour per day with the internet. That would be only 53% of the usage time of Norwegians, 72% percent of the Swiss, 40% of the Dutch, but even more stunningly a lot less than Poles, Spaniards or Portuguese. Austria would be on a very clear and significant last rank for internet usage in Europe.

Now the figures and ranks do not mirror reading "serious" media or difficult blogs, they just sum up every kind of activity, be it smart or dull, good or bad, interactive action or merely passive consumation.

Is this just another illustration of what the Pew organization titled: Digital Audience Growing, But Metrics Are a Mess? Or is this true and does it correspond with the falling PISA data Austria has the grace to receive these years?

Astonishing in any case and interesting nevertheless.


At least in Vienna

everybody is talking into their little smart boxes – everywhere, for all around to hear, and mostly all the time – while not sending text messages. No time to surf teh Intarwebs.

And look, they say Italy has a huge oral culture and its ratio is very close to Austria.

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Yeah, all of this is true

but then again. on an average the austrians are half like the germans and half like the italians, so, guessed from historical cultural experience, the average usage time in this little country here and in a text structured medium should be halfway between these neighbours, maybe a little nearer to italy than to goimany.

All mediterranen cultures (catholique, orthodox and muslim, less so for jewish culture) are a lot more oral than say northwestern european (protestant scandinavia, great britain, northern germany and benelux). the pattern shines a bit through these figures but not enough.

btw. the austrian internet monitor says austrian users spend 12h per week on the internet. This is a stark contrast and the figure might be too high. sadly so, we have to say, the pew research center was dead right on that subtitle.

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... answer!
last updated: 19.09.24, 13:09

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