Kadima slips one; Labor and Likud hold steady

An Army Radio poll, which averaged the weekend's major opinion surveys, showed Sunday that if elections were held now, Kadima would gain 37 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, an average loss of one seat from the week before.

The poll also showed the Labor Party and the Likud holding steady with 18 and 16 seats respectively.

According to the survey, the ultra-Orthodox Sephardi Shas party gained one seat, giving it 10.

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The largely Russian-immigrant Yisrael Beiteinu party continued its ascent with nine to ten seats.

The poll predicted that the Arab parties would gain a total of between eight and nine seats, the Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism six, and the leftist Meretz five.

(Text by Haaretz Service)

Our Analysis & Hope:

Majority is 61 - standings are:
Yisrael Beteinu10
Arab Parties8
United Torah6

If Ehud Olmert can sharpen his profile and stop the slide that would give a pretty good center coalition were he could select the most rational (behind doors) of the religious parties. A stable and movable peace coalition with noticable successes would be the one thing that did in Bibi and his Arabian counterparts for a long time or ever. In times of gravest danger, hope must prevail. Olmert might have been a rather corrupt and greedy guy but now - we believe - he is the expression of system rationality which is something we have quite a lot of trust in. Look at his kids.

ANTSNITAS1: The disgrace of Mapai veterans

Instead of welcoming the fact that a worker from Sderot made it almost to the top, instead of saying that this is precisely what democracy is for, an ugly scorning of the man began, depicting him as "not one of us."

1And Now To Something Nearby In Time And Space

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I have to confess, I was wrong. I'm a weak and leazy negotiator. Searls and Weinberger are right. It was them that said on World of Ends: The Internet isn't complicated!

It's not even expensive anymore! Neither in terms of time nor in terms of money.


random cross-comment

thanks for reminding me - natalie portman actually balanced the force accidentally. also,she beats funaki in every aspect - it's only a matter of time until christoph & lollo write a song about her.

... plink  


Amen to all of that!

... plink  

... answer!
last updated: 03.10.24, 19:21

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