Wired For PowerPoint

The White House's Roosevelt Room is wired for PowerPoint presentations, and most officials also bring handouts when they brief George W. Bush and his inner circle. Read more about this in Time Magazine's Online Edition. Luckily it's not behind the bars.

Nearly 2 and 1/2 years ago Edward Tufte had this flaming stuff to say in - funny of funnies - Wired. Our little band here introduced an aka for this application of transistors, software and diverse display thechnologies some time ago: "BauernBoint". Sadly it is understandable only for German speakers.

The FFFM (Formerly Famous First Mover) in this branch of CACET (Computer Aided Communication Empowering Tools) was Harvard Graphics Inc. (first released 1986) Competition came soon, in the shape of Forethought, a small company in Silicon Valley, which released PowerPoint 1.0 for the Mac in 1987. A year later MSFT bought Forethought and ported PP to Dos and Win2.0. Everybody else came to the game late and until now also stayed behind.

Etwas ganz anderes: Mich und noch mindesten einen, wahrscheinlich aber noch ein paar andere, hat der Hamas - Wahlsieg eher beruhigt.


i am wondering if some has to include ragtime into this computer based communication story as DeltaGraph. i was told there were some military applications too, but nichts genaues weiss man nicht ...

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s. auch hier: telfser.com

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Ragtime surly is a tool that supports structured communication better than the PresGraph things and on first sight has a lot less of a tendency to force you into pointing out extremely simplified power ellipses. But, I used these tools only to hint to a cultural phenomenon (or should I say cognitive style) that MSFT did not invent and even the early implementations of which came from small companies named Harvard Graphics Inc. and Forethought. Now practically everybody who does mainstream writing and calculation software has it. Here is a little list:

  • Persuasion (Adobe)
  • Keynote (Apple)
  • KPresenter (KDE)
  • Freelance (Lotus)
  • MagicPoint (IIJ Research Laboratory, open source)
  • Impress (OpenOffice.org, open source)
This means, there is a need behind all this. To quote Tufte: Of course, data-driven meetings are nothing new. Years before today's slideware, presentations at companies such as IBM1 and in the military used bullet lists shown by overhead projectors. and Particularly disturbing is the adoption of the PowerPoint2 cognitive style in our schools. Rather than learning to write a report using sentences, children are being taught how to formulate client pitches and infomercials.

All of that is neither the fault of PP nor of MSFT. They do only what business, military, universities and even cool political parties want: Everybody must be able to sell. And, if you can't than you just serve!

1International Business Machines: a computer company with far and out the largest number of nobel prizes in history and the best computer scientists in the world 2A business graphics tool that is relevant for our topic only because by virtue of MS Excel in the 90ies it became the wides spread BGT of all.

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i find forethought interesting, because it was one of the first companies bought by microsoft.

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thanx for that fine list (with a link to MSFT's own list which characteristically only goes back to '94).

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to buy or to be bought. there goes the planet.

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As children we already learned from songs that there are things money can't buy. You can buy real friends with it, you buy them with cookies or selfmade noodles, with tiny drawings or sweet words, i.o.w. you make friends (and love) by the exchange of stuff that even on ebay it does not make sense to sell them. Amen.

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just found and thought you might like it: beautiful china.

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velly beautiful, a joy indeed!

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... answer!
last updated: 03.10.24, 19:21

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