Sonntag, 11. Februar 2018

Clouds and Wind on the Beagle Channel

StefanL, 11.02.18, 12:28

Clouds in Ushuaia

The clouds get quite dramatized und dedramatized in fast changes in Ushuaia on Tierra del Fuego and over the Beagle Channel in the middle of and on the coast on which it lies. Nuff said.

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Samstag, 10. Februar 2018

Cloud Appreciation Is Back Again

StefanL, 10.02.18, 15:21

Cloud and Bird Appreciation

It has been 5 years, 2 months and a week since we have last published anything in our Cloud Appreciation topic.

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Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018

We Ain't Afraid

StefanL, 28.01.18, 14:49

Nearly a week's gone by since the last posting. And while we are still in the train of optimizing our making unsafe the southernmost Argentinian Patagonia aka Tierra del Fuego, our lady friends from Holland, Dafne, Margriet and Sabien have recorded a song and video right in the middle of the Joshua Tree Desert. Enjoy!

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Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

Almost gone

StefanL, 23.01.18, 06:02

We're really almost gone now. One of our favourite bands, My Terrible Friend, have published their new EP I Tried To Be Kind late last fall. It's got the absolutely fitting song on it. so here it is: Almost Gone

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Montag, 22. Januar 2018

See You in the Spring

StefanL, 22.01.18, 06:31

We'll be gone to the far far South really soon now, so a hello, goodbye is in order.

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Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

In schā'a llāh

MaryW, 20.01.18, 07:30

J'ai vu l'Orient dans son écrin avec la lune pour bannière. Et je comptais en un quatrain chanter au monde sa lumière.

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Freitag, 19. Januar 2018

Algorithms and Civil Rights: Understanding the Issues

MaryW, 19.01.18, 07:22

Rachel Goodman

Thankfully, our existing civil rights laws apply no less forcefully when software, rather than a human decision maker, engages in discrimination. In fact, equipped as they are with the disparate impact framework, the Fair Housing Act (FHA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), and the later-enacted Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), these laws can make...

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Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018

Waltzing Above Ground

StefanL, 18.01.18, 01:10

Here is the promised upload of "Waltzing Above Ground" by Guy Klucevsek. It is a little adapted to the existing moving pictures we had for it and also to today's a bit shorter attention spans. But still lovely from start to end.

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Haschimiten-Familie Vater:Husain ibn 'AliEmir von Mekka von 1908 - 1916König des Hedschas von 1916 - 1924 Sohn Faisal:Verhandlungsführer der "Araber" in Paris König des Irak von 1921....
by StefanL (19.01.25, 06:26)
Ich habe eh
einen Esseh über den Kulturpessimismus, der ja grundlegend mehr reaktionär als konservativ ist, in Arbeit. Wird aber noch dauern.
by StefanL (10.01.25, 23:50)
Ich geb ja gerne zu, dass der Neid aus mir spricht. ;-)
by StefanL (10.01.25, 23:46)
Aha soso ein Professor h.k. (honore kurza).
by tobi (10.01.25, 23:30)
I totally agree
mit der Meinung, dass das Hemisphärenmodell überholt ist. Die mediale Lust am Untergang hat eine rational kalkulierendes Element auf der einen Seite und massenpsychologische Element, dass....
by StefanL (10.01.25, 20:15)
Woher kommt diese Lust am Untergang?
Friedrich Sieburg kommentierte »die Tendenz der Medien, unentwegt den Weltuntergang durch einen Atomkrieg vorauszusagen als weinerliche, kaum zu ertragende Geschwätzigkeit. Sie sei auch deswegen absurd,....
by tobi (10.01.25, 19:18)
Read the books,
watched the series for a while. Got distracted then. Did NOT buy the T-Shirt. Interesting problem. Thanks! Slice, slice, very slice. Thank you for not killing....
by StefanL (06.01.25, 11:39)
Slice, slice, very nice.
by tobi (05.01.25, 23:31)
by tobi (18.12.24, 12:27)
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by MaryW (17.12.24, 23:37)
The (correct) first name of Mr. Zelenskyj is the Ukrainian Володи́мир, not (of all things) the Russian Влади́мир 😿 Second name is Oleksandrovych. Ложка дьогтю у бочці....
by tobi (16.12.24, 19:15)
Du hast recht,
Universal-Genies brauchen wir echt keine mehr. Ich wollte eh nur sagen: Things are going to slide, slide in all directions. Won't be nothing, won't be nothing you....
by MaryW (31.10.24, 23:13)
Hm. Ich glaub, da gibt es schon noch einige Kandidat*innen. Mir fällt spontan Lisz Hirn ein. Ich fürchte nur, die schaffen es nicht mehr, so....
by tobi (03.10.24, 19:21)
Das sind
wirklich die allerletzten, diese Streberschweine. Aber sonst auch.
by StefanL (18.09.24, 08:42)
Es gibt sogar
Verbrecher, die das ganze WE zusätzlich durcharbeiten, um Pegelkarten zu bauen. Das sind dann die allerletzten.
by gHack (17.09.24, 18:56)
Inzwischen hat Herr Fidler den Fehler erkannt und korrigiert sowie sich inzwischen bei den LeserInnen entschuldigt. Nur damit das nicht untergeht. Wir haben hier in der....
by StefanL (21.02.22, 09:17)
There has been evidence
that the important and successful ideas in MSFT - like licensing the Unix source code in the 70ies and learning from it and licensing QDOS....
by StefanL (02.01.22, 11:18)
I think I maybe know what you meant. It is the present we know best and the future we invent. And history is mostly used....
by StefanL (02.01.22, 09:51)
Hey, it's just a phrase wishing to convey that you're always smarter after the event than before it.
by StefanL (28.12.21, 07:35)
Oracle is now mentioned in the English Wikipedia article on teletext and even has its own article here. Electra has one too.
by MaryW (22.12.21, 07:11)
We have grossly erred
At least in point 5. We thought, people would have come to the conclusion that permanently listening to directive voices as an adult is so....
by MaryW (21.12.21, 07:42)
Did not want to spell the names out
Ingrid Thurnher should have been easy, as she is pictured in the article. Harald F. is an insider joke, the only media journalist in Austria,....
by StefanL (19.12.21, 08:45)
with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
by tobi (24.11.21, 20:49)
Should be
pretty easy to guess from the context and image who HaFi and InTu are. Besides, thx for the hint to the open bold-tag.
by MaryW (22.10.21, 01:16)
Low hanging fruit
1 comment, lower geht es mathematisch schon aber psychosomatisch nicht.
by MaryW (15.10.21, 19:51)

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