Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2005

Semantic Web is about Spreadsheet Data: A look to the future

... say you use it for a spreadsheet and you can't at the moment pull that data up into your spreadsheet. So the Semantic Web is about making that possible, but really is just completing the web vision. ... So the difficulty in industry is being the first mover. First person to put the data all into a standard language doesn't get so much benefit from it.

This is Herr Berners-Lee not in his still freshly minted blog but in a PIT (podcasting interview transcript) from the 4thISWC (International Semantic Web Conference) recently. What a change since the first mover advantage when consultants where still able to sell feardriven managments into adopting technologies that made sellers rich and users lose money. Busy, busy, busy.

If you rather listen than read the audio thing is there

Want more teasing? Will people individually use Semantic Web? I think yes, some, I think it will be maybe more complicated than browsing the web ... it will be like using a spreadsheet instead of using a web processor. But I don't know what the interface will look like, I think there's a lot of competition on what's the best way of browsing all this data.

Will children do it? Yes, of course, they will do it. I hope that the interface, the human interface, for the Semantic Web will be simple, clear and easy to use, but if it is a bit difficult and complicated then children will probably do it first.

All bolds are my emphasis

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Freedom from choice

Audience Notice: Geek Content!

Freedom of Choice is What you Got Freedom from Choice is What you Want --Devo, Freedom of Choice

as quoted by the Catfish in the memepool in a very interesting piece on a postmodern pattern in web frameworks, mostly explained in terms of swiss army knifes, base- and football facilities and RubyOnRails.

Brian loves to use lyrics to make his points.

And makes me think a bit on kicks we might still need to put or pull in helma2.

"On the Road" might be a better concept than "On Rails", but then on the road there is more death than on rails. In the air the rails are invisible, but they are there. So what is it then? Come on it's only weak examples. But still, roads won out over rails as a transport infrastructure. Everybody can go on them with nearly no checks at all. They have lots of disadvantages. Still they can go where no rails ever went. And bicycles go even further, nowadays.

Dptmt: stuff I kinda missed 2005 Laptops for Kids with no Power "The $100 laptop is a really cool idea. But the real technology bottleneck is getting an affordable internet connection to the outside world," said Vota. The $100 laptop needs no el from no plug but what SW will it be running? Let Seymour see to it. If Negroponte and Papert succeed in this, I will reverse all of my long harboured prejudices against both of them. And for the sake of peace I will include Marvin Minsky and Nathan Myrvhold.

yahoo.at is the nicest yahoo of all.

plink, 3 comments,    praise or blame!

last updated: 24.11.24, 06:29

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Dezember 2005
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Die sind
wirklich die allerletzten.
by StefanL (18.09.24, 08:42)
Es gibt sogar
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with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
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Should be
pretty easy to guess from the context and image who HaFi and InTu are. Besides, thx for the hint to the open bold-tag.
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1 comment, lower geht es mathematisch schon aber psychosomatisch nicht.
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da ist wohl ein <b> offen geblieben… und wer oder was sind HF und IT?
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manche nennen das
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Und noch etwas
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U get 1 big smile from me 4 that comment! And yes, i do not like embedded except it is good like this. It's like....
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