Dienstag, 16. August 2005

Danny Cohen

Danny Cohen, was a Myricom Fellow until he retired. At Myricom he worked on Myrinet, a cost-effective, high-performance (multi Gbps), packet-communication and switching technology that is widely used to interconnect clusters of computers.

Mr. Cohen earned his BSc at the Technion (Israel) and his PhD at Harvard. Prior to founding Myricom, he was a researcher at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute (USC/ISI), where he started and led several research projects, including Internet Concepts, realtime communication, realtime packet speech and packet video, ATOMIC, MOSIS, and FAST. The USC/ISI ATOMIC LAN, based on Caltech Mosaic components, was developed under ARPA sponsorship by Cohen and his research group, was the research prototype of Myrinet.

Mr. Cohen has been on the Computer Science faculty at Harvard, Technion, and Caltech.

He might perhaps be best known for his coining of the computer terms, Big Endian and Little Endian, in his landmark article, On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace (COMPUTER, 1981), which borrows heavily from earlier work by Dr. Swift. Wrote some IENs and RFCs too.

NVP (Network Voice Protocol) was first implemented in December 1973 by Internet researcher Danny Cohen of the Information Sciences Institute (ISI), University of Southern California, with funding from ARPA's Network Secure Communications (NSC) program.

Mr. Cohen appears in a lot of Internet related wikipedia articles but as of today has no article of his own yet.

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was conceived in

Cerf, V., and R. Kahn, "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-22, No. 5, pp 637-648, May 1974.

and specified in

INWG GN 72 Cerf, Dalal, Sunshine Dec-74 Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program IEN 5 Cerf Mar-77 TCP Version 2 Specification IEN 21 Cerf Jan-78 TCP 3 Specification IEN 40 Postel Jun-78 Specification of Internetwork TCP Version 4 IEN 55 Postel Sep-78 Specification of Internetwork TCP Version 4 IEN 81 Postel Feb-79 Transmission Control Protocol IEN 112 Postel Aug-79 Transmission Control Protocol IEN 124 Postel Dec-79 DOD Standard TCP RFC 761 Postel Jan-80 Transmission Control Protocol RFC 793 Postel Sept-81 Transmission Control Protocol

IENs from 100 are available at netmirror.org Some of the earlier IENs can be found elsewhere on the net. INWG GN 72 is referenced in Cerf's IEN 151.

With Version 3 original TCP was splitted into TCP and IP. IEN 21's companion was IEN 28 Postel Feb-78 Draft Internetwork Protocol Specification IEN 2 contains Mr. Postel's critique of unlayered TCP.

archive.org has txt and DjVu Versions of "A Partial Specification of an International Transmission Protocol" by Vint Cerf from 1973. The Protocol was then called ITP (International Transmission Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Program) was the Software implementing it.

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last updated: 24.11.24, 06:29

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August 2005
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