Samstag, 10. April 2004

Burton Bloom

Burton Bloom first described a method now commonly called Bloom Filters in a 1970 paper entitled "Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors". In those days of limited memory, Bloom filters were prized primarily for their compactness; in fact, one of their earliest applications was in spell checkers. However, there are less obvious features of the algorithm that make it especially well-suited to applications in social software.

A certain J. Marais and one K. Bahrat proposed Bloom Filters for use in the web for something called CommonKnowledge server.

On's Bloom Filters google search on B.B.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

slauti surfs again

Und beim chris vorbeischaun (der dieses Stückchen hier seinerseits vom traumwind hat), lohnt öfter als einmal: Heute morgen nachgegangen: Bloom filters. Na, der slauti hat sich zusammengerissen und seine Perllesehemmung überwunden und wieder einmal einen von den wundervollen abertausenden Alchwarizmen verstanden, die ihm a) oft noch nie untergekommen oder b) oft zu mühselig zu verstehen waren. Menschen wie Maciej Ceglowski, die so was gut erklären können, sind toll. Hat ausserdem ein sehr nettes nich so technisches weblog namens idlewords. Human brain can be wonderful, wenn it thinks in someone like Burton Bloom. Jetzt sollte ich's nur noch anwenden, sonst vergess' ich's ja wieder.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller, and her research involving large amounts of uncertainty

Daphne Koller und ihr Ex-Student und Kollege Avi Pfeffer arbeiten in der Artificial Intelligence Forschung und beschäftigen sich mit research involving large amounts of uncertainty.

Einmal, 1998 ging es um die Verheiratung von Frame-based Representation Systems (FRS's) and Bayesian Networks (BNs), denn:

FRS's provide an excellent representation for the organizational structure of large complex domains, but their applicability is limited because of their inability to deal with uncertainty and noise.

BNs provide an intuitive and coherent probabilistic representation of our uncertainty, but are very limited in their ability to handle complex structured domains.

In this paper, we provide a language that cleanly integrates these approaches, preserving the advantages of both.

Ignore this stuff at your own danger!

picked up the scent at lcom.

plink, nix,    praise or blame!

last updated: 24.11.24, 06:29

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April 2004
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Du hast recht,
Universal-Genies brauchen wir echt keine mehr. Ich wollte eh nur sagen: Things are going to slide, slide in all directions. Won't be nothing, won't be nothing you....
by MaryW (31.10.24, 23:13)
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by tobi (03.10.24, 19:21)
Die sind
wirklich die allerletzten.
by StefanL (18.09.24, 08:42)
Es gibt sogar
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I think I maybe know what you meant. It is the present we know best and the future we invent. And history is mostly used....
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Hey, it's just a phrase wishing to convey that you're always smarter after the event than before it.
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with four letters it becomes easier though i am not sure with hafi… anyhoo, inms guessing acronyms or whatever this is. *it’s not my steckenpferd
by tobi (24.11.21, 20:49)
Should be
pretty easy to guess from the context and image who HaFi and InTu are. Besides, thx for the hint to the open bold-tag.
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Low hanging fruit
1 comment, lower geht es mathematisch schon aber psychosomatisch nicht.
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da ist wohl ein <b> offen geblieben… und wer oder was sind HF und IT?
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manche nennen das
low hanging fruits, no?¿
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That is a good argument and not to be underestimated. I was convinced a malevolent or rigid social environment (the others) posed the largest obstacle....
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Und noch etwas
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U get 1 big smile from me 4 that comment! And yes, i do not like embedded except it is good like this. It's like....
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