Montag, 27. August 2001

The 4th Bubble, part 1

Virtual Machines and physical machines :: HAS TO BE REWRITTEN. Steve WozniakChuck Peddledon

The 4th Bubble starts by looking back in personal computing history. Looking back is not a goal on its own but a way of connecting snippets into a meaningful chain. The meaningful chain allows for the right conclusions && for the right actions. So on we go:

As you can easily derive from the history of personal computing Steve Wozniak designed the Apple II as an open personal affordable not networkable computer and published the Apple II Reference Manual that contained specs of the memory layout, described how to add hardware and peripherals etc.

At the time when business need and other influences started to kill the concept at Apple (1980) Don Estridge of IBM started to lead their PC Division and together with a dirty dozen of design and manufacturing engineers copied Steve's concept in most every detail, switched from MOS Technology to INTEL thereby saving the idea of open affordable personal computing, surely something IBM had not envisioned. GOOD can come from the BAD! After his death in '85 IBM went back to their old ways, started PS/2 - OS/2.

In the same way Apple went on to develop the LISA and the MAC, closed down on information and tried to bind SW closely to propietary HW, a concept all Manufacturers except maybe MITS with their DIY product Altair had followed before Woz.

Both of these counterreformations never found any remedy against the somehow more open concept of the so-called "industry standard PC architecture". So gradually but slowly the leadership in the development of micro and other computers drifted over to the two most decided and competent supporters and beneficiary of that architecture, Intel and Microsoft.


In the meantime a group of people at office copier machine dominator XEROX's PaloAltoResearchCenter started to really build a machine in SW the instructions of which didn't look like


anymore. They called those constructs a virtual machine. These virtual machines could and should be implemented on different kinds of hardware but in reality they executed on personal computers like the Alto, the Dolphin and the Dorado. Nobody could afford those fancy machines, practically everybody in IT used a TTY then. The Sun-1 workstation appeared in 1982, 5 years after the Apple II and 1 year after the IBM PC. Even a workstation like the sun could barely run and not really run a Smalltalk Virtual Machine. It took many years to have the kind of virtual machine an Alto could drive run on a personally affordable computer.

The PARC people were not the only ones to think about and develop with virtual machines. One's gotta mention the UCSD P-System that you could install on the original PC with the benefit of having Pascal instead of Basic. Behind that compiler was an OS come virtual machine. And what's also gotta be added, is, that from at least the point on when the Bell labs people rewrote Unix in C, the Unix kernel has become a virtual machine, the model of which in the meantime has grown to be the most pervasive of all VMs.

Xerox Alto

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Third Bubble [deprecated], 1st snippet


No writing on Friday, still lost in balls of mud. No writing on sat and sun, if i can i don't touch this hellish machine on WEs. Took me 7 years and a heavy breakdown to learn it. Move your hands and feet, people!

The third bubble is all about losing the empire and really doing so. I was inspired to that by a story about an Italian teaching hardware/software co-design at some Californian college. Sure I'm gonna get back to that.

As you might see the the third bubble is an expression used for many different things. I might as well call it the fourth bubble and be out of dialectics and into tetrades.

For at least 60 years it has been a rare occasion that logical engineers talk to electrical engineers. Intel did this better than anybody else although not well. One of the reasons we had to wait for Linus is that all the stuff before was somehow bound to expensive hardware. Even the Mac is too expensive and too closed and hardware bound. Concentration on software and licensing helped MS win out over their most potential rival for domination in the PC world. Make no mistake, everybody at Apple but Woz wanted to dominate. What can we do to find an edequate WLC/WCN encoding and beat the WTA encoding that is so favoured by interoperability and the current hard- and software economy?

Remember, from the next time on it's gonna be the Fourth Bubble.

PS: koxinga! Gib uns ein Lebenszeichen! PPS: back to the mud now!

plink, 14 comments,    praise or blame!

last updated: 18.12.24, 12:27

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August 2001
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