May You Find Peace, Lev

The lion of the Sinai, the very talented tank commander, the erstwhile darling of Ben-Gurion, the disappointed prince of war who should later be at least partly responsible for Sabra and Shatila. Throughout the 70ies and 80ies He was the champion of the proliferation of settlement construction in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and provoked through first buying an apartment, then a house in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem's old city but not living there and then visiting the Temple mount with a guard of 1.000.

Dov Grün und Lev Sheinermann

''I always believed that Jews and Arabs should live together and will live together in the Land of Israel,'' said Mr. Sharon as he sat by his new glass and steel dining table at the center of his two-room apartment. ''For Jews, this is their homeland, and for Arabs, many of them have been living here for hundreds of years. I don't see any other way than living together.''

He also criticised the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 as an act of brutal interventionism and said both "Serbia and Kosovo had been victims of violence". In his final years as the prime minister of Israel he unilaterally pulled back from Gaza and maybe tried to find a solution for the West Bank. Spent 8 years in a coma before they let him go. Some fates are cruel. They don't make this kind of guys anymore. He was the last of the old guard.

May you find peace in heaven at last, Ariel Scheinermann.

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Ruhe in Frieden, Erich

Erich Meixner war der freundlichste und liebste Mensch, den ich in meinem Leben kennengelernt habe. Und das war im Kindergarten, wo seine um meine Kinder, als sie klein und noch nicht in der Schule waren, hingingen. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Elternabend. Wir haben viel zusammen unternommen und uns gegenseitig unterstützt, als das für Väter noch nicht verständlich war.

Und obwohl ich nur sehr mittelmäßig singen und Gitarre spielen kann, durfte ich sogar bei musikalischen Projekten mitmachen und war jährlich auf seinem Pfingst-Musikfest auf dem Bauernhof willkommen, den er mit seiner Frau Angelika gekauft hatte und sein Leben lang selbst renovierte.

Erich war 1969 Mitbegründer der Musikgruppe Schmetterlinge, schrieb ihren famosen ESC-Song Boom-Boom-Boomerang und gründete nicht nur nach dem Ende der Schmetterlinge das Schmetterlinge-Kindertheater sondern war auch stets dessen Motor. Die "Valerie und die Gute-Nacht-Schaukel" und "Die Geggis" mit Texten von Mira Lobe und Musik von Erich "Franz und frei", wo Erich den Text von Christine Nöstlinger vertonte und "Flügel hat mein Schaukelpferd" zu dem Heinz R. Unger den Text schrieb, werden sehr vielen Kindern dieser Zeit und ihren Eltern noch mehr in Erinnerung bleiben als "Tschotscholossa", das Lied mit dem die Schmetterlinge wohl bekannt wurden und die Proletenpassion.

Weitere Highlights in Erichs Schaffen waren 1992 das Stanzen-Projekt mit Erich Jandl und 2010 die Vertonung von Nöstlingers "Iba de gaunz oamen Leit".

Immer wenn ich bei alten Peter, Paul and Mary - Songs mitsinge, was ich gar nicht selten zur Beruhigung und zum Harmony-Üben mache, muss ich an Erich Meixner denken. Er hat mir einmal erzählt, deren Gesang hätte ihn inspiriert, ein richtiger Musiker zu werden. Ruhe in Frieden, Papa Erich.

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Adam Yauch * 1964-2012 * R.I.P

Yesterday a great musician, rapper, activist and director, Adam "MCA" Yauch, founding member of the Beastie Boys and also of the Milarepa Foundation passed away in his native New York City after a years long battle with a rare form of cancer. A man under 50 years of age. All too young to go!

The Great MCA

We have already (unaptly) tried to express our fandom in this little piece here of our topic "Great Jewish Songs and Lyrics".

Find an aedaquate obituary here.

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Farewell, Jack Tramiel

Many Papers had it today. Jack Tramiel died at age 83. We always had him in our hero list for the fact that he was one of the few people in the industry who were really willing and able to make computing and personal devices for it dirt cheap and for all. Not only in North America, but also, and more importantly so for us, in good ole Europe.

2 Less Sung Big Heroes of the PC Revolution

And while Mr. Jobs was not one of them, the VC-20 and C-64s were the Apple IIs we could afford then here in babana land. Thank you Jack! And for the 64k of RAM 'n' sprites 'n' 2 busses too.

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Finished Early

Not many people here in good ole Europe might have noticed, but today the last specimen of the most advanced and most senseless fighter plane that humanity - a small elite part of the US engineering elite part of humanity that is - has built so far, rolled of the assembly line. And most probably nobody will build the like of it again for the forseeable future. It is simply without sensible application.

Lockheed F-22 Raptor

Requiescat in pace, F-22 Raptor. You were and are one hell of a dangerous an' expensive toy 4 far 2 few.

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last updated: 05.04.22, 07:16

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