The 4th Bubble, episode 27

Gotta make a jump ahead because on foote's notice I reread Mob Software and remembered someone's [chris, motz, henso?] quote from that text about Fast Lane Capitalism and its effect on programmers education. FLC for shure does a lot in this, but I'll try a different approach now.

Writing software is a highly literate process. In all fields of human doing we can see the effects of what Marshal McLuhan calls electrification or deliteralization. The western world is going back to the auditive - tactile non geometric universe. Why should building software be untouched by this. I think everybody should reread Unterstanding Media. It's a pity the McLuhan Family seems not to publish anything relevant on the web.

Capitalism is a highly literate system having developed in the heyday of literacy. So in a way it might fit pretty well with literacy based technologies as George Gilder never tires to prove in his dreamings of ideal mind over matter capitalism. In other ways it might be not so fit to cope with the complex cultural development we have and still see in our livetimes.

George Gilder: Microcosm, 1989, oop, can be borrowed from me.

The consequences of this might be to go in the direction of reduction. One of the benefits of the web was to bring about lots of reduction. At a certain price. Many ideas and artifacts that exist are reinvented. Sometimes for the better. Often for the worse.

If I drop too many names in this, please let me know. I just wanted to reference what I read read and that many of these (often antiliterate) ideas have a literate background.

Hey Henso what about Erfurt now?

My automotive chip designer friend Michael Sprachmann mailed me back on Big BOMs: das freut mich, daß sich eine neue Blase dazugesellt hat! Was da drinnen steckt weiß ich noch nicht genau.

Was die Big Balls of Mud betrifft, kann ich Dir sagen, daß auch in manchen feschen Cabrios ein paar klapprige Shantytowns mit auf die Reise gehen:-)



before you let me go back into deliteralization, precapitalism i have to read this "understanding" paper again? and try to find the connection there? maybe i should read the early articles on why tv is evel in these fancy magazines of the 60s instead. doing ethnology in relation with codes seems to be muy complicado!. anthropomorphic code.

... plink  



this is exactly what i plead for. Once you do it with the right tools it get's easier. Understanding Media is such a tool. The connections just happen. No need to look for them.

... plink  


Anthopomorphic Code

We took a run at treating code the way Dawkins treats genes and memes in

I really like these sorts of perspective shifts. Taking a code's eye view of what it would take to flourish lets one temporarily dispense with the baggage that comes with identifying with the artificer.

--BF, just a Catfish in the Memepool...

... plink  


Gonna get you in Erfurt

Maybe -> sl, a fishing bird in the big soup.

... plink  

... answer!


wenn ihr nach erfurt fahrt, sagt mir bescheid. ich wohne in jena (35min mit zug) und schaffe in weimar (15min). bin also gleich um die ecke.

... plink  

... answer!

can't make it to Erfurt

I'm hosting a party on September 11th.

... plink  


What a pity

but parties are a good thing, so ....

... plink  


will make it

i will go to erfurt. kris,do you know a cheap place to stay???

... plink  


nicht wirklich

bin seit jahren nicht in erfurt gewesen, aber wenn du willst, hoere ich mich um. habe kollegen aus erfurt. ausserdem, bei mir ist genug platz, allerdings ist das in jena und unguenstig, wenn du abends mit den webgurus mal einen trinken willst.

mail mir doch einfach, ich verfolge die diskussion hier nicht so aufmerksam.

... plink  

... answer!
last updated: 17.11.24, 22:46

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