Arnold Learns a Truth in Rio

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In Brazil the Sacred Part of the Woman is the Ass, (whereas Yankees think it's the breast.)

Today tinytalk flies you to Rio de Janeiro. (with host Arnold Schwoazenegga)

What makes it even nicer is, that for inbetweenies Arnold will also tell us some (truths) about himself: You know something: .. I can absolutely understand, why Brazil is totally devoted to my favorite body part - the ass.

I like the Portuguese language because it's so romantic. It reminds me of the Italian language. Can you teach me a little bit about it? Some nice words, like love and so?

Now sadly, no matter how charming, and that the Styrian blood, as we all know, is no noodle soup, Styrian men can't dance really well (something they share with perhaps the majority of white males). So in the end, Arnold has to say goodbye (in Portuguese) and go back to the state of insanity (formerly known as the state of california). Don't miss it!

ANFSCD (And Now For Something Completely Different): 2

Praschl (hab jetzt endlich gecheckt, warum es besser ist, nicht Herr Praschl zu sagen) gibt ein Interview: Journalismus klärt also nicht so solide über die Welt auf, wie er es ihr und auch sich selbst einredet. Stattdessen formatiert er sie, bis sie für den Leser spannend, aufregend, kribbelig wird. Besser kann man es kaum sagen. Is ja nix Böses. So lange solche Leute neben dem Sprechen noch schreiben (und er ist zum Glück nicht der Einzige) ist weder der Hopfen noch das Malz ganz valuan.

1 HGBG: Hansel and Gretel, which is where it comes from, Breadcrumb Guide), all links warmly recommended 2 TTSF: This TinyTalk Standard Feature tries to be what we used to call a Break. It's a week borrow from music, but then such are alphabetically coded pieces, week abstractions of the real world and useful nevertheless.

PS: <a">A Lapse of Reason


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The sarcastic critique is here: Sexing Up The Slaughter.

Read with a grain of salt in an open mind. It gets pretty disgusting in the end. By reading it slowly and carefully though you'll know more about <a href=">Ash Karreau and his 16mm shrine then he probably wanted to let you know.

Sometimes cynicism carries him (or her) away but frequently that guy just has it (via fm). I personally have not seen the movie yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll like it. Anyways that movie is a must see and Ash K. writes better English than me, this way or that, so the service given here should be sufficient.

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last updated: 03.03.25, 19:12
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