
I started to work on Lexville yesterday, an extension to antville for creating and maintaining stories in a namespace rather than in a timespace. I gotta ask Chris L. how he did that in Vanilla. This is what I like in Vanilla: The idea that it is a journalistic tool and a dictionary at the same time. I'd like to adhere to this.

I have done two similar things before, 1 in Smalltalk/V and 1 in Hypercard and Toolbook. It was rather easy then (many years ago) with those tools. Now I have to remember and learn a bit more of Helma.

I intend to use Lexville from the beginning for a little hyperlinked history of open usable affordable personal computing and I do not want to do that thing manually. Controlled partial automation has been my trip for a long time now.

I put about 20 little stories into the Antville db last night, from Simula and Algol to Ritchie and Dijkstra, none of which is online. I hope those stories will have a longer life. Anyway they need a lot of refinement. Slowly, slowly.

Everything2 to which Hans Wu alerted us seems to have it all: "This website has grown from being a very simple user-written encyclopedia (see E1) to a very complex online community with a focus to write, publish and edit a quality database of information, insight and humor." Very nice project, still I mainly want to stay with daily snippetwriting and timelines, hence Antville. Only sometimes you'd want a snippet not to appear in the timeline and still be usable and referencable via preferably a name.

Finally I read an extremely interesting History of Simula, funnily on java.sun.com/people/jag/ and in the homepage of Mr. Gosling. Definitely recommended for anyone interested in prog.langs.


Yes yes yes!

I've been thinking about this and wanting this feature a lot. It's probably just a matter of adding an additional "URL-ID" field to stories. Then you tell the weblog to only list stories where the URL-ID (or whatever it's called) is null, and tell stories that if they have the URL-ID set to use this instead of the group-by-day as their HREF. All this should be doable by some fiddling around in the type.properties.

An alternative would be to have something like topics, i.e. you'd have intermediate grouping objects and URLs would be /programming/simula instead of just /simula. Needless to say, this would be very cool but a little bit more work.

Along with this, we should finally implement a story manager, instead of displaying everything in the main log for admins.

I'm in the AMZ today.

... plink  



Ok I thought a little about this, and of course the solution I proposed doesn't work, because per-day entries and by-name entries would conflict. So we have to put either one in a separate collection: Either the weblog entries in /log/, or the named stories in /space/, for instance.

... plink  



my thoughts have been going in this direction and i've concluded i must redo some of my former knowledge on namespaces, just to be able to nicely add more features later on. I'am always thinking back to class dictionary. I would also like to add a semiautomatic id-resolution as a macro. Should this be checked at save-time?

Implementation starts from the ground up, but ideas need not, do they?

... plink  


what do you mean by "checked at save-time"?

... plink  


check by the save procedure

say, you use something like <blabla> to indicate that blabla references a snippet in the namespace, should the save procedure do anything? Or should the render procedure resolve the tag and value and if not resolvable do something like [create blabla] to invite the reader to create and write the snippet (vanilla)? this has more to do with production than anything else.

... plink  


I always prefer to do these things at render-time. It's awkward to actually change the text input from an author, but it's ok to apply some rendering rules and tricks.

Regarding the actual tags, I'd propose to use Helma macro tags. For example, a link to a story could be created like

<% storylink name="simula" %>

or alternatively

<% storylink id="492" text="blablabla" %>

which would work across weblogs and also for "anonymous" weblog entries. It would be also possible to provide

<% storylink name="tiny.simula" %>

for cross-weblog references of named stories.

The default for the link text would be the story title, not it's URL-ID, so this is a bit different from Wiki-style systems where the two are identical. This is one reason why I don't think the [define xxx] would fit in very well. Although it can be very powerful to have title == URL-ID, it's in another way also limitating in what you can use as title of your entries.

I need to think a bit about this, maybe I'm just falling victim to stupid URL aesthetics.

... plink  

... answer!
last updated: 09.01.25, 08:25
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